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"Mommy, is it too cold for the pool?"

"Yes Hun but we can go play outside go to the park down the street, we've got your homework done, both knocked out for a bit and now it's free time."

"Can sissy come?"

She was surprised that JoJo had called Alana sister but didn't mind, just at the rate of how fast. "No baby girl, she's asleep but I promise you can spend as much time as you want with her, I'll be here the rest of this week."

"How come you're not living with us mommy, do you love me and daddy?"

"JoJo of course I do, things with me and daddy aren't....me and daddy aren't best friends right now..but that doesn't change the way I love you sweetheart."

"I love you too mommy."

Alicia held her hand as they walked to the playground. As soon as they got there she immediately ran to the swings.
"Mommy can you push me?" JoJo asked

Alicia nodded and began pushing the swing slowly. She didn't want JoJo to fall.

"Can I go higher?"


She pushed the swing higher as JOJo started to laugh. She soon got tired of the swing and wanted to go on the slide.

"Mommy, slide with me!" she smiled

"I can't sweetie. I'll get stuck."

"No, you won't."

"Yes, I will."

Soon enough, Alicia was on top of the slide looking down at her daughter.

"Come on Mommy!" She called

Alicia pushed off and slowly made her way down. Shockingly to herself she's slid all the way down. She scooped up JoJo spinning her around. "You are quit the energetic bunny little one."

"I like being here, with you mommy, Can we get some ice cream?"

Alicia shook her head. "You have to eat first Hun."

"Okay, can we go back home, I wanna play with sis, are we gonna go to school together?"

"Well, by the time Alana's older enough she'll be in first grade and you'll be in third but you can still help her with her words and reading like mommy does for you."

"Like a teacher, but I wanna wrestle be like you and daddy."

"Awe, well you're gonna make it princess, it'll be a while but hey I'll tell you you've got the energy already, come on let's head back home, get you a nice dinner and your ice cream okay?"



Alicia had just finished tucking in JoJo kissing her good night heading downstairs with her bags.

"I'll...be back tomorrow, if you want me to take her to school I can."

"Ali...please...just stay...I'm begging at the moment don't waste money...if she wakes up and sees you're  gone it's gonna break her heart...If not for me...please just do it for JoJo, you can't keep Alana from me."

"I NEVER S.... I never said I was trying to keep her away from you, this is the way it's gonna have to be from now on because of YOUR decisions."

"What is there left for me to do Alicia...just tell me."

"Stop being a lying hypercritical cheating a** hole god you think just because apology after apology will get me to change my mind, we have NOTHING! AT! ALL OKAY DROP IT, you wanna make the reference of me saying I'm keeping Alana away from you then fine she can stay here tonight I'm not, it's the least I can say thank you for is you stepping up and being a damn father and I damn sure respect that but anything else, you can burn in hell all I care, it's finished."

She grabbed her bag heading to the door when Roman blocked the door.

"How are you even gonna get there you were dropped off."




"Ever since January 13th!"

"What the hell does my debut have to do with this!"

"BECAUSE THAT WAS THE DAY I CORNY BELIEVED IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT...days and days after...I don't regret it...I'm sorry okay...for everything...I can't find the words but what I know if I could take it all back I would..."


"Ali...don't do this...please..."

She stood her gaze going towards the floor. "I'll sleep down here.."

"This is still basically your hou-

"No it's not...I'm fine down stairs okay..."

"Fine..just...call if you need anything.";



Yours To Hold (6)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz