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"Really Ali, 32 push ups...that's it where's the usual high going Alicia I know."

"I'm sore okay! God I could barely get outta bed this morning give me a break."

"Oh, okay we see you, you got that hit up last night, little bang bang action right?"

"Paige I swear if I wasn't in this stage I'd punch you right in your throat then you could forever scream "this is my house!" While your in the hospital because you'd be in for so long!"

Paige gave her a blank stare before busting out laughing. "Oh my god.oh sweet, innocent, quiet, lonely,hypercritically nice Alicia."

Dean stood watching/ spotting Roman he waited until Roman was being the bar back down and pushed it down continuing to hold it there while Roman struggled to push him off.


"Oh he'll survive, he survived suplex city now he'll survive KEEP BANGING MY SISTER ON A DAILY AND YOU'RE DEAD CITY!" He pulled the bar up dropping it on the ground standing watching Roman slowly get to his feet. "You a** hole what the hell!"

"This isn't a bet this is a statement a week with no sex, you two!"


"FOR WHAT,you can't control us Ambrose brother or not."

"Don't care, you're addicted and it's weird."

"Oh please Dean what about you and Paige."

"We...can easily go back to the hotel eat, watch TV and not jump to saying "Imma bang you, do me, do me."

What they didn't see was New Day walking into the gym but stopping in their tracks when they heard what Dean said.

"Well boys...Fran can't be left along for long, let's go...Check on her."

"Let's do that..."

"Okay so what are w- Alicia stopped when she felt her phone vibrate, she pulled it out seeing it was a video text but from an unknown number.  She didn't have her headphones but still clicked play,  the first thing Almost made her wanna throw up,a picture of Roman kissing Nikki, a video came up Nikki jumping into Roman's arms wrapping her arms around his neck, Roman kissing back them both falling back ontobthe bed, the video after she couldn't even watch the first 3 seconds all you could see was Nikki on her back Roman upward sliding into her.

She tossed her phone and stormed out. "What's her deal?"

"Roman picked her phone up looking at the screen the video still playing. He locked the screen and grabbed his things walking out.

"Well now that we're alone.."

Paige smirked to herself taking Dean's hand leading him to the locker room.

"NIKKI! What the hell is your problem! This shi* is not cool are you really obsessed with me I DO NOT LIKE YOUR SKANK A** YOU NEED TO LAY OFF ALICIA LIKE DAMN WHAT HAS SHE EVER DONE TO YOU!? NOTHING CAN YOU NOT JUST HANDLE SOMEONE ACTUALLY HAVING THE WORTHY NAME OF A CHAMP OR SOMEONE WHO HAS TALENT! You haven't been here for weeks because of the stupid shi* you did before trying to kill her how low can you be! I don't give a damn if you're not a fan of Alicia stay the hell away from her and stop stalking her, you wanna play dirty, we'll play dirty, stay AWAY from her."

"Roman are you threatening me...I'm sorry if you're little girlfriend can't handle evidence of what DID happen."

"You know what, if you want what DID happen...you want film, you wanna show something to the world, then film this." He walked to the lobby desk asking for the inner com. "Alright ladies and gentlemen...I need your attention...you all may know me...you may not." He glanced up and saw Alicia making her way to the elevators. "Keep eyes on me and listen." He jogged over to where Alicia was her not even noticing he grabbed her arm turning her around pushing her against the wall kissing her. "Alicia, I don't just like you I love you, from the way you have that cute quiet side to the rage you get when you're close to beating a**, I don't care what anyone says you're the girl for me, you've made my life better in so many ways including the people around, I don't want you to change for anything, I wanna be there, I'm gonna be there, I love you Alicia, I'm glad you're part of my life and I never plan to let you go...I love you."

Alicia's eyes fell to the floor as blush consumed her face, the lobby filled with "awes" and applause.

From the corner of his eye Roman saw Nikki filing with her phone. "Trips isn't gonna like his talent being non professional in public love and affection."

"Then you know what...if I've gotta lose my job to be with the love of my life, so be it, post it everywhere see if I care,just know I'm a happy man."

"Happy...Married man." Alicia whispered.

"Soon baby girl,for sure." He leaned down pecking her lips Nikki stomping off mumbling to herself.

Yours To Hold (6)Where stories live. Discover now