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"You know, you're cute, it's just all your screaming thats pissing me off!" He swung his arm back hitting her a rogue face sending her to the ground.

"G...get...get the hell...away from her." Dean groaned slowly crawling on his knees trying to catch his breath.

"Oh Ambrose, still the typical, predictable worthless brother you are, you know this is why your little mother is dead Alicia, because of worthless trash uncaring piece of shi*!" He grabbed up Alicia and tossed her onto the bed smirking as he eased his way ontop of her.

"You two are pathetic...you had the nerve to have a child, call me a horrible father! Good things come to an end sweetheart a-


Alicia could barley glance up to see who it was before everything suddenly went black for her. The last thing heard yelling and something being thrown against the wall.

"Well shi*...I thought ice was supposed to be the cure not the add on to this bitc*...son of a bitc*, I'll kill him, Reigns, you might needa re fill your bucket."

"No big deal man...can I ask you something?"

"Shoot bro."

"What was that back there?"

"That sir, was the son of a bitc* that ruined...well, all of our lives, also the son of a bitc* that I once called dad, how the hell did he know where exactly, I don't know but I did what I told him I'd do if he ever came across Alicia or either one of my family again, ass hole broke into the room all hell broke loose Alicia just finished getting Alana cleaned up he went straight for her. Little pu**y went straight for the gut and even though a man can eat but man IT HURT!...I did all I could but he got the best of me, I told Alicia I'd always watch her ever since mom went especially when Ravens not around, I feel like I let her down, she's been through enough already it's like she can't get a break...id give my life to make sure she was okay.. He stood up and walking over to where Alicia lye kneeling next to her, brushing her hair outta her face, "why do you think I've only majorly kicked your ass twice Reigns after what you've done to her?"

"I...I don't know...I deserve it...completely..."

"Damn right you do...but your my brother, the first stage of almost losing her you were there and I'd be damned if I ever forget that..if it wasn't for you, she wouldn't be here, I'm telling you man, so many times, I coulda just put you on the spot and left you hanging but I'm telling you, once you've got that impact on my sisters life...you've got it on me."

Roman only stood in silence looking towards the ground with his hands in his pockets complete silence on the room until Alana's small giggle could be heard as she attempted to roll over bit wasn't getting much accomplished.

"Hm, she's good, compared to me I'd given up by now and started calling for food." Dean said chuckling. "Well don't just stand there go get your child man.

"Hey, sis...tonight...I let you down...I didn't protect you like I said...I'm not gonna let it go, it's already eating me up on the inside but I'm promising you...I'm gonna make it up to you...I'm sorry...I love you...and you can count on me when I say my word...is staying."

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