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"So, why don't we get started?" Jasmine said as she pulled her hair back only to let it lose again putting it over her shoulder smiling Roman's way.

Oh look he found one of the hoes to counsel oh great what's next this ends in a threesome..

"Now, how long have you two been together?"

I tried to hold in my laughter but it came out, both of them looked at me. "We're not together, and by the rate we went with how many on and offs you might as well say BARLEY a year and a half."

"Okay...Mrs...An...I mean Love, my mistake, in order to get things to work we need you should be more appropriate."

Says the chick flirting with the patient.. "Yes,my mistake."

"Very well, Roman. What issues do you have in this relationship?"

"Correction...past, relationship, need facts to do your job right?"

"She dates all the wrong guys, She won't give me a chance to explain anything, everything's put on me and some things I understand my mistake but it's like she won't give me a chance to explain and when I do she thinks it's a complete lie,I just want my family back."

"WOAH,WOAH, ring the bell now it's really my turn to talk Lemmie start off by saying you said I date the wrong guys, I'VE ONLY DATED YOUR A** any other guy I've been close to but nothing to as close as we WERE but if you want facts I AM dating another guy and that guy is just much more reasonable, smarter and much more trustable than your sorry a**, you say you explain and explain well yes I know then you do the aplogize game and half the crap you don't even mean because you turn around and do it again!"

"I see." The She said with all seriousness as she jotted down, who knows what on her little notebook probably writing Roman's name drawing hearts like a little school girl,so professional.

"Alicia, I'm seriously sorry, this is coming from heart."

My ass.

"So, you think what he does is wrong, yet you submit yourself willingly to the same circumstances."

"I'm sorry but are you covering up a blonde wig under that hair because honestly I just wanna ask dos you really ask that after I told my part."

"You two seem to have a pretty open relationship, even if it's rage there's still some type of connection, How long have you known each other?"

"Years, ever since she was a little rook and I worked with the brand but up higher."

"Would you consider rookie winning her debut match all the way up to her first title match, yea you're not the only one with NXT gold record."

"And how well would you say you knew each other?"

"Very." Roman answered.

"Too." I responded.

"And how honest would you say you are with each other?"

"Brutally,even though SOMEONE doesn't know the complete definition of honesty."

"So it would be safe to say that you two have NO secrets, even after this departure?"

I laughed. "Don't ask me that question revolves all around...HIM."

"I'm going to suggest something, but I want you to hear me out before you voice any objections you may have. Agreed?"


"This is something I normally suggest for married couples, but since you both have known each other for so long, I think it will work

"You're going to have to be a bit more specific than that."

"Date, each other, of course."


"It'll only be four weeks, you two are on two different sidings so like you said doing it for the kids, if the four weeks are worth it, things will be back to normal and I'd not then it's official to say you won't work...and even if not you guys can see this as a living experience, maybe not dating but you too will be in another home together,see where things go, those four weeks, which would it be?"

"Well hell I've still gotta spend every day seeing his ass id rather stay in the same house than have to PRETEND to love this jack ass."

"Like I said, hear me out. The trial would last four weeks and at the end you would be free to start your own relationships, if you should so choose."

"What I am suggesting, is that you two will be able to be fairly honest, possibly even brutally so, with each other and could help to sort through each others faults. You would keep a notebook and we meet once a week to go through your notes and discuss your issues. Are you with me so far?"

"Not really." I answered honestly.

"Add on to that, physical?"

"I am NOT having sex with him!"

"I mean, you already have...plenty of times.."

"Go fuc* yourself like you did before you met your little whores."

"So here's the plan after tonight a ride will be here to take you two to the home and as for your daughters, your contacts between the both of you, Mr.Sika & Mrs Raven L, whoever a closer will be contacted and can come down before tomorrow afternoon so you'll know they are in safe hands, here are your notebooks, remember once a week, 10 A.M?"

I took a deep breath, centering myself, and preparing to commit to this fully before I nodded.

"Until Tuesday, then , thanks Jasmine."

"Anytime Mr.Reigns, it was nice meeting you...you to Mrs Ano...I am so sorry I mean Love gosh I need to work on names."

"You too." I hope she heard the sarcasm in my voice I really hope! She can have Roman all I care.

Once she was gone I turned to Roman slapping him. "You can keep pulling the little sorry games but I swear to you you try anything on me and I'll personally make your life hell." I stormed upstairs slamming the door hoping I didn't wake Alana...god this was gonna be a long four weeks of hell...

Yours To Hold (6)Where stories live. Discover now