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Roman's POV: I was sitting at home waiting for JoJo to get home from school, there's nothing else to do every since Alicia's left my life's been...just silent, of course I've got my little girl but I'm missing the other best women in my life...

I started to doze off when the door bell rang... I haven't ordered anything, no one usually comes over..

Roman unlocked the door pulling it open "hel... He completely froze, Seeing Alicia standing there he couldn't find any words to get out, only standing there. "A...Alicia..."

"Hi." She slowly responded barley looking up at him.

"Ah, come on in."

"Thanks." She walked in going straight to the living room taking Alana out her car seat holding her in her arms. She slowly began to wake yawning in the process.

"Sorry princess can't let you sleep all day, you'll have enough time later tonight once we get to the hotel."

"How long are you staying?" Roman asked leaning on the back part of the couch facing Alicia.

"The plans 4 days but I don't know how JoJo's gonna react."

"She really misses you...you don't have to stay at a hotel there's still those extra rooms upstairs plus Alana's room."

"Oh, It's no problem I've already made reservations.."

"Ali...we need to talk, complete honesty."

"About what?"

"All these things that have happened...these past months or so...I haven't been myself...and it's not...because of me...Nikki...I didn't find out until a few days ago....she gave me pills...I thought they were helping with aches...they were actually  some drug...I didn't know what I was doing...

"But it's the fact that you actually listed and took something as major as pills from the enemy.."

"I just wanna t-

"Tell me how sorry you are but the mistakes you've done before are just gonna come back and hunt me, I was stupid and fell for it the what teanth time...I'm not having this conversation in front of a baby, babies may not be able to talk or highly pay attention but they sure as hell can since presence and feeling and I don't wanna be called "meanie mommy or you chased daddy away or anything that would top me as this evil grinch, face it we're over! And we are not going to work end of discussion."

Roman only stood there unable to respond he turned his back her way walking to the kitchen  he started to head for the cabinet that contained his drinks but stopped himself. "I can't do this...I've already messed things up...I can't make things worse...there's gotta be a way to fix this...even if it's myself first and only."

"JoJo's bus gets here at 1...do you wanna pick her up?" He called from the kitchen.


"Okay.." He sighed to himself running his hands over his face. "I can't live this life anymore....I've gotta find a way for her to see I'm being honest..I've gotta."

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