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Alicia opened her eyes and blinked. The room lights making it hard for her to see, everything that had happened was shockingly right at the top of her mind... Going for the match..Roman beating the hell outta her...hospital...emergency surgery...concussion...hospital... The only good part she wasn't hurting majorly as much as she was before.

She tried to sit up but felt familiar hands push her back down.

"No getting up baby girl. You need some rest."

Alicia blinked when she saw the brown eyes looking down at her. "Jason...

"There was no NXT event tonight but I was headed back home when I got a call from Dean,he's with the doctors still."

"We're here pumpkin And we're relieved that you made it through the surgery but you need to rest so shorten the talkie talkie lover boy."

"Did they give me sleeping pills or something I just feel so...light...Sleepy."

"Still under the effects most likely."

"We can talk when you wake up later it's still kinda close to when you did get your surgery, they still don't know if you managed to curve that concussion but it's safe to sleep, those were docs exact words. "

She nodded slowly as her eyes started to close.

"We love you Ali." Jason said softly kissing her forehead.

"I swear I'm gonna kill Reigns...Deans probably already planning to murder him but I call dibs still,a** hole has crossed the line."

"Miss Ali?" The doctor said. She slowly opened her eyes again and looked towards her doctor.

"You're at Kolt B Mount Hospital...I'm not sure if DR.Rog told you but I'm nurse Kalte,in charge of X Ray, basic updates , they brought you here, and we had to see what was wrong with you. We then realized that you had a damaged almost all area in your back and a slight concussion when you hit your head which was confirmed before the surgery."

She bit down on her bottom lip and looked at her doctor once more.

"With the past hours we've watched you the emergency surgery. You are expected to make a full recovery, however there might be a few problems."

"Problems like what? Paige asked

"Ali... it'll take you two years at most to fully recover. It won't be safe for you to wrestle again."

Alicia's lip quivered as she took in what the doctor had said...after everything the plan to not be out may more any time soon...turns into this...Mania around the corner....everything...Slowly the tears began to fall from her eyes, Jason stood next to her gently squeezing her hand. "It's gonna be okay Ali."

"Once I get more information between tonight's tracking into tomorrow we'll give you more of a sure update, until then I know it hurts but please get some rest ma'am."

As soon as the doctor walked out Alicia automatically began balling her eyes out, Paige and Jason doing their best to comfort her.

"It's gonna be okay pumpkin...you're a strong gal...you'll get through this...we'll be with you every step of the way to recovery."

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