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"Marti what is there to do, she's hooked on the past, apparently  its just haunting her, she doesn't trust me."

"Well, things woulda been easier if you didn't even do it in the first place."

"Alright I made mistakes,plenty can you stop throwing it in my face."

"Believe me Reigns, i'm not the only one except only half of us bring it up so you can realize what YOU'VE done."

"Well I'm trying to get us back on the same page, what am I supposed to do?"

"That, I can't tell you about so...nice chat but I just came for my hoodie and the charger, if Ali asks just tell her I have it and I'll give it back when she wants it, later Gator."

Pain all over...can barely move...bruised... I thought he cared...15 calls and no answer so she dialed the next number that came to mind...please pick up...please...


"Ja...Jason...can you come get me."

"Ali,what's going on, where are you?"

"Near this plaza...it's an ally way."

"Yea I'm on the way,just stay put."

"Ali!" Jason called taking off her direction kneeling down next to her. "What happened,who did this to you?"

"Nikki...Brie...some other girl.."

"Come on, I'm taking you back to the room,keep your around my neck, I've got you."

"And,we're done." He tossed the alcohol pad to the trash going back to Alicia. "How're you feeling?"

"It stings but I'm okay,thank you."

"Anytime, God I can't believe they'd do that to you, you're gonna tell Steph and Hunter right?"

"There's no need, she's they're new little princess you know how it goes if you're with the authority...anyway...how long are you guys gonna be here?"

"Tonight and tomorrow, doing the taping tonight and the live event tomorrow."

"Do you ah...think I can come tonight?"

"Well the crowd sis love AlGaJa."

"What...tell me you didn't just come up with that J."

"Gable, I would never, you know how he is."

"Okay...um do you think I can ride with you to the arena...if you don't mind."

"Not at all, you coming out to the M/G as well?"

"Jason I'm not part of NXT anymore this is you guys Spotlight."

"But we all love a little Alicia and I really mean little."

"Shut up nerd!"

"Rather be a nerd than a short migit."

"Oh whatever, I'll see you later then, I don't wanna keep you away from packing getting your things ready."

"Okay." He walked her to the door opening it for her. "Later lil bit."

"I hate you just so you know."


Alicia had just walked into the room when Roman jumped to his feet. "Ali, where have you been how can you just walk out not call, anything."

"Says the guy who can't answer his own phone." She mumbled

"What are you talking about and why are you bandaged on your arm?"

"CHECK YOUR PHONE! I WAS JUMPED I COULD HAVE BEEN KIDNAPPED OR KILLED AND YOU WERE JUST SO BUSY THAT YOU COULDN'T CHECK YOUR PHONE AT LEAST ONCE! HOW SELFISH CAN YOU BE, THIS 'US' WE ARE NOT GOING TO WORK OKAY...you've shown me your true colors more than once...and I was just stupid to give you so many chances...until you can grow up and BE WHO YOU CLAIM TO BE...it's over, we're done drop the wedding drop all and whatever else you planned...and before you try to call me out or start something this break up has NOTHING to do with my relationship with JoJo,it's you and ONLY YOU!"

Before Roman could respond she was already out the door with her bags not saying a word.

Yours To Hold (6)Where stories live. Discover now