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Alicia was in the hotel gym working doing her usual morning workout, Paige was completely knocked out still from their outing the night before she she's gone out on her own hoping she could join later.

With her headphones in her mind completely focused on her workout she didn't realize Sheamus & Wade walking in.

"Aye fella look, she's lone some, we should give the lass some company."

"You're telling me she's quite the beaut, Reigns missed out his loss no one can resist a king...and that makes the two of us."

He slowly walked up behind her wrapping his arms around her waist, his grasp tightening as she gasped trying to pull away.

"Hey, calm down, it's just me King Barrett, helping a little lost out."

"Get your hands off me!"

"Come on I'm not trying to be rude, we're all friends here...besides, I hear your quite the share, all around town, I wanna know the truth, I haven't gotten my fair share."

She managed to duck under his grasp rushing out of his reach not even seeing Sheamus until he pushed her against the wall holding her arms up above her head.

"Where you going fella, we're just trying to have some fun." He leaned forward kissing her neck she tried to pull away but he wouldn't let go, Wade started to trail his hands down her shorts but she tightened her leg until she felt this sharp pain on her cheek.

"Why are you being so difficult love."

"Get off of me!"

"Awe, quit the screamer like we heard."

Out of no where Wade was thrown back into the wall and Sheamus was knocked down falling forward Alicia sliding out of the way just in time as he hit the floor.

"That's it!" Roman gently took Alicia's arm taking her with him she had no clue where they were going but decided to just go along.

"Stay here, my rooms safe and no one can come in anyone that should is Dean or Paige that's it, I promise I'll be right back." He gave her a kiss on the cheek before storming out....

"HUNTER! STEPHANIE! I DON'T GIVE A DAMN IF YOU'RE GETTING LAID OPEN THE HELL UP!" Roman yelled banging on the door, not even a few seconds after Hunter opened the door.

"What the hell do you want Reigns!?"

"What do I want! No it's not what I want anymore it's a demand your little League Of Nation boys just tried to rape Alicia and I'm sick of half these guys most likely ONES kissing up to your ass taking advantage of her!"

"What's the matter little Reigns still mad he lost his title so he has to make up lies, I don't have time for you go complain to your little best friend brother what ever the hell you call each other."

Roman took hold of his shirt grabbing him and slamming him against the door. "TAKE ACTION OR I SWEAR I WILL BEAT THE LIVING HELL OUT OF YOU EVEN IF IT COST MY CAREER! FOR ONCE! Stop being a dumb bitc* AND DO SOMETHING RIGHT A** HOLE!"

"You might wanna be getting your hands off of me kid or I swear-

"YOU'LL WHAT FIRE ME! Be my guest but as long as it leaks you tell your little a** kissers to keep their hands off Alicia!" He shoved him back letting go storming out the room.

As soon as he got back to his room he rushed in calling out Alicia's name but didn't see her. "ALI!"

The bathroom door opened and she walked out with a towel wrapped around her her head down. "Go ahead...just do it...just get it over with!" She dropped her rope starting to slide her bra strap down when Roman rushed over stopping her

"What...Ali...no...I wouldn't do that to you...I'm not those idiots...I've screwed up plenty of times and I still say the amount of sorries I've said won't change the things I did but i regret it everyday and wish I'd never done...maybe for a split second I didn't realize...how much of an amazing, stay beside girl you were...you're not a bad person...you're not what they say you are...you're just open...amazing...intelligent...beautiful


Alicia leaned back wrapped around him as he kisses her their clothes slowly shedding bit by bit, hands roaming He grins again, and lines up, pushing slowly into her. He begins to thrust, and his hand slips down between her legs to caress her. Soon she is moaning as he kisses her neck One hand grips her thigh, holding her leg around his waist, and the other is rolling her breast in his fingers, he raises his head and kisses her deeply. He slides his fingers back between her legs After finished he hugged Alicia to his chest.

He looked up at Alicia and she stared back at him. "Alicia-

She shut her eyes. "Please, just don't...you and me, remember."

He nodded and pulled the blanket back and watched as Alicia slipped underneath him following after making sure she was comfortable.

Alicia moved to his side and laid her head on his chest.

"Just you and me," he whispered.

He hugged her closer and kissed her forehead,

Just as Roman started to doze off he heard the smallest sniffle coming from Alicia. He listened to her breathing and when He felt her tears fall onto his chest, his heart shattered. He pulled her tighter against himself and kissed her forehead as she cried. They didn't talk simply quietly holding each other.

Yours To Hold (6)Where stories live. Discover now