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"Ladies and gentlemen the time is now and we welcome you to WWE'S Wrestlemania, were kicking off with a  on 4 divas match: Paige,Nattie,Madison,Foxy Vs Naomi,Tamina,Summer,Lana (I just added Madison to give her more time in story)

"Holy cow, it feels like just last year I was living this dream, this is friggin insane." Paige said wiping her palms on her shorts once again.

"That's because last year was your first, now little munchkin Ali here's living her first, ya nervous?"

"Well duh...I mean listen to those people...this major show, I just can't believe I've made it this far...at this point I don't care if I walk out with the title..I'm just glad to be here."

"Trust us girlie, you're gonna kill it, now if you'll excuse me, mammas gotta go drop kick a few blondes."

"Good luck!"

"Lucks for losers mrs love."

Alicia sat in catering with Paige & Marti watching Deans match against Brock between both her and Paige, Paige was the one beating her at the nerves competition. She was the one winning at the cringing turn away.

"You two are acting like we're watching a horror movie, Deans's going to be okay."

Just as Marti said that Dean was being F5'd onto the chairs laid out and pinned.

"Thanks Marti for the jinx!" Both girls yelled.

"Wh...hoe was I su...2 on 1 is not fair!"

"Well next time before you speak...THINK fluffy head!"

"My bad!  God excuse me for not knowing mr lunatic is a lost puppy when he faces the beast."

"I had a puppy when I was younger...but SOMEONE made me give it away because she was scared for her little baby kittens life."

They all turned around to see Dean holding his midsection leaning on the wall.

"Well Marto, like they say, got's to be more careful." She said playfully punching her arm walking over to Dean leaning on him as he wrapped his arm around her.

"Maybe because you were teaching the puppy how to escape through the non dog door & note he kept eating her food!"

"She shoulda stopped being a wimp."

"Says the guy who peed his pants when we went to the mall & S-

"NEVER speak of it, don't you have a match to be getting ready for?"

"Actually, I do...by the way...you still killed it tonight win or loss."

"At least I wasn't going through a ladder like last time..nows your time to shine sis,go get em...remember it's not Diva anymore, it's women's champ, and you're gonna be our first."

"Thanks bro."

"Go make us proud lovie!"

Alicia's POV
Gosh...hearing those fans out here is such a difference compared to the regular shows...this moment...I can't lose focus...I've worked too hard for this...this isn't just a step up for me but for this division and what we're known as...I'm here to be the best...to wrestle...to make history..

At the moment my writing out matches ability sucks...so I'm just writing out the closing of the match sorry if it's not what you expect for a major chapter like this still getting into being back on track with writing/updating.

Charlotte had just nailed landed a moonsault on  Nikki outside the ring and automatically rolled back in, going straight for Alicia who was still out by the forearm from Nikki.

"YOU WANT WOMENS CHAMP! YOU'RE LOOKING AT HER NOT THIS POOR EXCUSE! JUST LIKE YOUR LIFE, YOUR CAREER IT'S ALL COMING TO AN END ALICIA, YOU ARE NOTHING! Huh! Look, look at that you're little baby is crying because she's ashamed of you!" She forced Alicia up with a knee in the back making her face the direction of the section where JoJo, Alana, Raven, Ravens hubby, Roman's dad sat.


At that moment Alicia snapped, she fought to her feet rolling over sending Charlotte into the mat face first, she grabbed her leg dragging her to the middle of the ring and locked in the Boston crab. From the corner of her eye she saw Nikki trying to climb back into the ring and let go running to the rope with a drop kick sensing Nikki back out.


She waited for Charlotte to barley get to one knee and DDT'd her. She climbed to the top turnbuckle. Taking a deep breath and spotting her family in the crowd again.

"This ones for you little one." She blew a kiss up to the ceiling and connected with her moonsault into her submission, Charlotte clawed and yelled for her to let go but insted she only pulled harder,


"N...N...GET HER OFF!!!"

Alicia continued her hold until finally Charlotte began to tap repeatedly, she released her grip standing to her feet continuing to eye Charlotte as the ref raised her arm. As the ref handed her the title she couldn't help but to gaze into the new improved belt, she looked out to the crowd and handed the belt back to the ref leaving the crowd speeches she rolled out the ring and went to Alana, & JoJo telling security to let them over along with Raven. Raven helped up JoJo while Alicia carries Alana in her arms into the ring lifting the title and putting it on her shoulder. She didn't care that tears were streaming down her face the point was this was one of the moments she lived for and planned to never forget.

"I'm proud of you sis." Raven whispered.

"I couldn't have done it without you."

"Bro and mom are looking down right now so so proud of you." She hugged her while JoJo clung to her leg, Raven squatted down and lifted JoJo up she began to yell and chant yes the crowd soon following along.

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