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"Ladies and gentlemen tonight we kick off our final Smackdown with a possibility of certain superstars and divas being on for their one last night, we come to you live from Orlando FL and here to kick off our first ever women's champion, Alicia love!"

Alicia stood with a smile on her face pointing glancing down at the title wrapped around her waist "Thank you,thank you Jerry but,you missed one thing...it's not DIVAS it's WOMENS champion,it'll take a while to get use to but soon it'll be known,now you guys know I'm not the cocky type or show out BUT tonight I'm here live on Smackdown to start my journey and show you guys what I plan to do as women's champion,this is a step up to this division and I refuse to sit a-

"BLAH,BLAH...BLAH BLAH BLAH!" Everyone turned their attention to the ramp seeing Charlotte with her arms folded with a mic. "We've heard it plenty of times mrs Love I'm here to prove all my haters wrong,with lots of love and heart I can do anything! Oh shut up! You only got to Mania because you screwed your way in because everyone felt sorry for you because you were originally going to be a nothing!" She stepped in through the ropes walking up to Alicia. "You wouldn't be champion of it wasn't for that match being a triple threat,I should be champion,not you!"

"You know what Charlotte... I had a feeling you'd be the one to say this...considering you had to have a little friend of yours come out to help you last night...but look,she's not here! Sad..one night stand,Dana Hun you can do better."

"EXCUSE YOU! You leave my best friends name outta this she's handling business-

"Wait wait wait...wait! Did the words,one night stand just come from Alicia Loves mouth...Seth...."I just had to come out here...Alicia...this whole locker room has done plenty of exploring &...you happen to be a main topic...you dare insult a legend of your division, you disrespectful little girl! Do you know she's a Flair, where were you raised a barn...better yet why don't you just go back...just like...your mother...here so fast the next,gone,so sad,just like your little reign is gonna be,show some damn respect!...better yet,leave this ring...right now! You don't even deserve to stand in this ring with two legends...get out...RIGHT NOW!"

"Hold on! ORLANDO,did...did I hear correctly,the scum bag Seth Rollins...just called himself a legend & this WOAHMAN...sorry it slipped,any any,Alicia don't you leave that ring,as you brother you'll listen to me." Dean rolled into the ring going to Alicia's side standing next to her.

"That title is in the right place,these two morons just have got a stick so far up their butts they don't know talent even if it were to hit em in the face!...you say this girl has no right to be champ...out of that whole locker room...no offense to a Certain Brit,she's the most hardest working busting her a** every week to get HERE to this exact spot...you know how about this,Insted of all this talking we out in action,whatta ya say Mrs Love...put a few idiots in their places,get it over with lets go out and get stupid hyped off sugar like the old days?"

"For once...I see how we're related,I'm in."

Alicia and Charlotte went straight for each other Charlotte quickly getting the upper hand, she shoved Alicia back smirking before slapping her knowing she's set Alicia off she automatically ran & tagged in Seth.
Seth stepped into the ring slowly proceeding Alicia But he stopped, women's didn't fight the male superstars (most of the time)

"Don't put your hands on her!" The ref yelled towards Seth

"She says she's all big and bad right! Prove it!" He dropped down elbow dropping Onto Alicia . "Think you're still the best huh!" He pinned the Alicia on the floor only for a two count.

Alicia rolled onto her side trying to reach for Dean when Charlotte got tagged in again & felt a pair of hands grab her feet pulling her back but she managed to kick them away and crawl to Deans corner.

"COME ON SIS REACH!" Dean held his hand out anxiously until he felt her slap his hand & he quickly got into the ring Charlotte running back to her corner tagging in Seth.

Seth & Dean we're going at it completely Dean getting the upper hand quickly letting out all rage he had from previously & the fact that he's put his hands on his sister, catching Seth Catching in a headlock Dean turned Seth to where he could perform Dirty Deeds.

Jumping off the apron Alicia ran over to Charlotte pulling her off the apron knowing she was going to try to interfere when Dean went for the pin.

Dean pinned Seth & stood grinning doing his usual weird 'dance'

Alicia back rolled into the ring Dean automatically pulling her into a hug

"And the winners of this match, DEAN AMBROSE & ALICIA LOVE!"

(Yea that much write out sucked ok just really lazy tonight...sorry..)


"Hey,what the hell was that!? Seth puts his hands on her and doesn't get DQ'D!" Roman yelled as soon as they got into the locker room

"Roman,I'm fine...


"Wow...and I thought you were more than 'his girl' paige attempted to whisper.

"NOT THE TIME PAIGE,are you okay, did he hur-

"Roman!...I'm fine...trust me...lets just get packed & to the hotel...please."

"Alright...Seth better hope I don't see his ass or he's dead..."

Sorry this sucked!!! I haven't updated like I said I would but I've been on vaca & Sierra did the last chapter so I take cred to reason why there's been no update,short but I hope you like!!

Still looking for some ideas!! Feel free to comment or message me them!!

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