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Alrighty then!!! I wanna thank Sierra for filling in and updating you guys between one chapter and what's been going on! Well I kinda need WattPad because...yesterday...yea my heart got broken...I'll live...along with the other mess going on in my life but coming on here kinda helps me get my mind off things so in honor of that..I'm gonna do my best to give you guys a decent update this morning

A few months ahead: (it's the same situation going on with them but everyone's back on the road etc, Mania week

Roman's POV
I just finished my last well only Axxess signing for the day, which I'm done with looks like Seth boys takin over Sunday like usual Spotlight needer.

Tough crowd here in Dallas I'm not surprised I know what I'm walking into Mania to do and get what I rightfully deserve.

"Daddy!! When are we going to the shop, what if all the shirts are gone!" I felt a tug on my arm. Oh yea did I mention I was able to get the kids to come with me for Mania JoJo basically begged my dad for two nights  straight and now it's day 3 for both my little girls in Dallas.

"We'll go princess I promise they've got plenty of shirts."

"When are we gonna see mommy? Does mommy have a match at Mania, are we gonna watch it, is she taking pictures today?"

"Woah, calm down little one, I don't know, all of us wrestlers are really busy baby girl, I promise no ones ignoring you, I promise after this you and I can go pick up Alana from your crazy Phycho best friend Paige & we'll have some fun the rest of the day okay?"

"Okay,...daddy...do you still love mommy?"

"Of course I do princess...I always will."

"I have the worlds best mommy and daddy, just like Naie says (that's how she says Nattie's name) that ah fact."

"Why thank you princess, and trust me we both will be there too, now wanna help daddy out?"


"Go over to Uncle Dean and give him a little kick in the leg for me, tell him that's for eating daddies bagel this morning."


"Alicia,hey, you down for some shopping after signing today?"

Paige glanced over towards Alicia with Marto waiting for Alicia's response but got nothing but her staring off into space her hand holding up head head.

"Hello? Little one anyone home?" Paige sang tossing her pen Alicia's way finally breaking her daze.

"I'm sorry what?"

"Girl are you okay it's Mania week we're supposed to be lit and you're just the water hose of the fire,what's going on girl?"

"I'm sorry guys, I expected Mania weekend to be full and busy but not this much lack of down time, the last three days I've heard first station signings & interviers til about 5:30 then I've had to think of an idea for merch top at least and I haven't even had time to do that, if anything I've gotten about 4 hours of sleep the last few days and gladly today I got lucky to have the afternoon signing but someone decided to come banging on my door 5 o'clock in the morning nagging about leaving his leather jacket in the car."

"Damn girl, you got a plate full but hey you worked for it you put in all the work of pays off love."

"Yea...Thanks Bell, guess we've both basically able to tell each other's stories,wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you."

"Hey what about mama! I don't get no love?"

"Sorry mamma Nat said not to talk to crazies." They both said laughing. Paige shook her head flipping them off

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