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"Ali are you sure about this,I can't go out there and face you and know your on edge of b-

"Yes I'm sure Paige we are gonna go out there and For my last time do what I do best...I don't care about the out come I just wanna live this...one last time,all I ask, doctors told me how risky I was being but with it being related to my passion...I wanna take it...see you out there."

They both have each other hugs as soon as Alicia's music hit and she walked out.

"Damn Ambrose...your sisters crazy."

"Eh,she's a fighter...she gets it from me like they say, learn from the best."

"Of course you'd take all the cred, remind me to kick your a** when I get back,love ya!"

Paige made her entrance climbing into the ring she gave Alicia a stern look when she nodded and smiled her way. "History makers." Alicia whispered her way.




Before Paige could grip Alicia's other arm she manages to shimmy out her grip kicking her back, she quickly got to her feet nailing a round house kick to the back of Paige's head, she stepped back bouncing off the top and connected with Lovely daze (Alicia Fox officer nasty)

1...2...3!" The Ohio crowd at Raw shot up from their chairs. Alicia had just won her last match and was walking out Divas champ...well at least they thought..
As her music continued to play Paige could tell She was fighting back the tears She was handed a mic and before she could even get a word out the "Thank You Ali." chants had already been started.

"You shouldn't be thanking me... I should be thanking each and everyone of you. I'm just gonna say...I wouldn't have made it this far if it wasn't for you guys.... She paused for a moment and smiled. "This journey has been crazy all over here and there from my NXT days to this last day,my last match,i've had a great run with you all. I've won this title...I've lost...hell I almost became longest reigning divas champion but I know I still made history and hope you guys can say that too... The crowd cheered louder. Alicia adjusted the title on her shoulder   "It's just been amazing here but sadly, my time here in the WWE is up. It's time for me to retire, and give up the Divas title, you guys here...to the lovely amazing hard working girls in NXT...Carmella,Dana...Bayley...My girl I'm training Jaz...you all are gonna be holding this one day."

"On another note, I wouldn't have been able to do this without my amazing family...Raven if you're watching this, I love you sis...mom....Jason (brother) " She looked up towards the ceiling blinking back the tears. "I hope I made you proud." "Having their love and support.... Dean......Usos...Nao...Come on out." She stood in the ring, still with the divas championship on her shoulder. They all came out together clapping. She hugged them all it turning into a big group hug.  "Thank you for always believing in me."

Suddenly Stephanie's music hit and she came out with Triple H. She clapped her hands and lead out the rest of the WWE roster. She shook her hand and pulled her into a hug. "You did girl love." 

"Thank you, Thank you too for giving me this opportunity...ups and downs I still just wanna say...thank you." She thanked Triple H and then looked out to the rest of the roster that now surrounded the ring.

She pointed to Paige and Nattie and Marti  "You all get in here."

Paige and Nattie and Marti got into the ring, and they shared a hug. "The Doll House days...Anti Dolls...basically mamma Nat...were the best, and I would never forget them. It was make it or break it for us, and I'm glad to have met you all. I never imagined it to get as big as it did. I couldn't have done it without you guys."

"Alana,baby girl...mamma's coming home,I love and miss you."

Everyone stepped back for a moment, and now it was time for Alicia to hand over the title to Stephanie, she kissed the title one last time, and handed it over to her.

"I love you all so much, WWE Universe,if I had the choice...I wouldn't leave you guys but I promise if not in the ring I'll at least be in the crowd watching what I love watching you guys plan and dream to be in that ring one day to the day you all are performing,I love you, thank you!"

Raw ended with lots of hugging between Alicia and her closest friends Right before the screen faded to black you could see the tears rolling down Alicia's cheeks.

"Don't cry because it's over...smile because it happened."

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