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I'd first like to start off by saying once again the very wonderful Sierra has left me to pick up from a cliff hanger!!!!! Isn't she great!! 🙃 so if this chapter is booty, I'm sorry...👀

"Reigns, you didn't tell me Alicia was coming back tonight."

"She didn't...well she was in the crowd but that's it that's all I knew, and you're her brother thought she would have called you or something."

"Nope, she must be all minded on Jason forgot about her brotha, that's okay I'll ring her up after the show."

"Dean...can I ask you something?"

"Well you're already speaking."

"Do you honestly think Alicia...is done with me or is she just being distant.."

"I can't really answer that...I mean between the day she left and to the days I saw her at home she seemed...different, like I said I don't know, besides no time to talk about this, you're up."

"Yea...alright...I'll see later then."

Roman was standing in the middle of the ring waiting for the League of Nations to come out when the lights turned off a video coming up on the tron.

"Roman! Buddy, how's it going, roughy few nights you've been having huh."

"Amigo we're good people, we don't wanna put pressure on you make you worked up now would we..so tonight we're gonna do you a major favor, your little Amiga...we've got you both a surprise." The camera moved and on the side, Alicia appearing on the screen barley on her feet, Rusev stomping on her back before locking in the accolade.

"We do what's best for business smile fellas!" Roman wastes no time leaving up the ramp running backstage banging on doors, swinging open any doors that weren't locked, where equipment was, everywhere.


"Excuse me Roman, can we get an exp- Roman turned around to be face to face with Byron glaring at him. "Byron...I don't know who sent you but I'm gonna give you two choices you don't fear them and go back and tell them I told them to shove it or second, I kick your a** and you can go back to them and give them the message."

He wasted no time scurrying off the other way, Roman continued making his way down the hall looking for The League and Alicia.


He reached the garage parking when he noticed the door was half way open no lights on or sign of anyone in so he walked in automatically seeing Something in the corner..he rushed over seeing Alicia lying there completely lifeless.

"Alicia!" He dropped down pulling her head into his lap shaking her. "Ali,wake up...it's me, Roman."

No response, he shook her again but the same thing, he pressed his head against her his heart almost stopping at the second .she wasn't breathing. "SOMEBODY HELP!"

"Ali come on wake up...I know you hate my guts, want nothing to do with me, you despise me and I deserve it, I shouldn't have done the things I did to you I'm sorry Ali, I'm trying and I mean trying to fix myself, I've gone to therapy the last few months because without you I'm lost, I don't know what to do without you, you're the girl of my dreams and it was never my idea to hurt you so much, I'm sorry Ali...I love you...wake up please!"

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