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"H...hello...no...I'm still in Ohio with Alicia...what day....okay...ill ask I'll still be down there...love you too." Jason reached over switching on the lights sitting up

"What's wrong?" Alicia said looking up his way her head resting on his chest.

"Sister just called said they're having the funeral tomorrow but making things difficult like always they're having it at her church insted of the family place we all planned on guest invited also so now I've gotta pack again an hope there's some plane that can get home in time today."

"Regal didn't set you all up with plane access?"

"Yea but I left it at the arena with Gable that night I left."

"Well...I've still got mine even the ones from when I first got here to main roster Steph might hate my guts but she can't mess up workers transportation."

"Here's another thing...she wanted to know if you'd come down with me...guess she really likes you..no more than me but...would you like?"

"Of course, i'd love to, your sisters pretty cool to be honest, I like her."

"Then in that case, you can stay here, I've already called dibs."

"Oh hogger much, someone jealous?"

"Nope." He lifted her onto his lap automatically attaching his lips to her neck. "I just know what's mine..and have a right to claim."

"J...Jason...we have to get ready.."

"We've got an hour or two to spare." He said chuckling lifting her laying her onto her back.

Roman's POV
"Roman." God this is the 50 billionth times she's called me in the past hour leaving me irritating long voicemails I swear if I didn't need this phone I would have thrown it over a bridge by now,gladly these next few house shows I'm not working, as long as I can get away from this bitc* I'll be fine.


"Ah you two need to have babies already these cheeky smiles are adorable both you have this little blush factor going on."

"Why don't you and Dean go first."

"Yea right! You're such an a** JJ...but I still love you two, you have a safe flight and Dean said with the small wifi he had last night and I quote "Might need to be bailed once I get in the area, I'm killing Reigns don't try to deny you weren't hurt I said he put his hands on you and he's a dead man and not the immortal Undertaker standard, will call you once I get on plane or area either one, love ya sis."

"Please don't even mention his name around me anymore."

"Sorry Love, well I don't wanna keep you two love birds make you late, make sure to get chocolate chip cookie just tell the server you dropped it every time then just bring em to me once you come back."

"You're ridiculous Paige."

"And phychopath."

"Ali, I take that as a compliment and Jason, shut it."

"Love you too."

"Whatever, take care of lovie here, bring me back a t shirt too."

Alicia rolled her eyes shaking her head. "You're quite the mystery child."

"I know!" She called over her shoulder waving smirking as she headed the other direction.


"Hey...so how're the kids?"

"Annoying as hell, the younger thinks she's grown and this baby won't stop crying you owe me big time."

"Trust me, the date is coming up, the fool actually thinks I'm holding a positive outcome for him please it's just about pleasure for me and pain for them...

"Well I can't agree with that anymore, little wanna be stole him from me, not for long...so am I showing up to court also am I bringing the little brats?"

"Why of course."

"Well y- hold on someone's at the door.. She got up peeking though the window not seeing anyone so she opened the door slowly, opening completely a smirk appearing on her face.

"So, you came back to me?"

"I want my kids.."

"Oh no, no you've still got a week until your tramps court date but you're free to come that day...heck you can even come on in."


Yours To Hold (6)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant