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"Alright guys that's enough drinks we need to head back get some rest."

"You're telling me shocker you're not the one completely wasted by now, especially you Paige."

"Oh shut up last time I about had to carry both your fat a**es back to the taxi but gladly both Usos were there."



"A non weakling idiot." He said standing up from his chair walking behind Paige growing her off by surprise throwing her over his shoulder.

"Drop me and you're a dead man!"

"Yea yea, heard that plenty of times."

"And I meant it! Tell Ali to FaceTime me when you get to the room I wanna see little A."

"Will do....use protection!"

"Should be telling you that!"

Roman had just stepped off the elevator taking a deep breathe as he slowly neard the room the complete silence him and Alicia had ever since the night he sort of basically told her to leave him alone.

He slowly reached the room curiosity taking over as he saw the door already open, he rushed in and saw Alicia with her legs pulled up balling her eyes out.

"Alicia...what's going on?" He asked kneeling next to. Her.

"S...she...she's gone!"

"Ali who...where's Alana Dean said she was with you?"

"WAS! R...Roman your mom...someone else reported that I put my hands on her and JoJo I DIDN'T I'D NEVER PUT A HAND ON THEM AND THEY'VE GOT PHOTO BRUISES ON JOJO A...and Alana was crying and they said I'd just hit her..I WOULDN'T DO THAT ROMAN OUR KIDS ARE GONE BECAUSE OF ME!"

"What...we haven't even been with Alana, Raven wouldn't do such a thing and JoJo was with my dad...Ali who came to the door and took Alana?"

"S...some guys in a suit y...your mom...2 officers...th...they said its up to your mom wh...who they go to, custody...if I lose the case and can't prove I didn't do it, I DIDN'T." She sobbed.

"Like hell she is... We're gonna get through this...I know you wouldn't do something so low and stupid...this is probably just Galina's sour moods but she's not gonna win this war...not a chance." He sat down pulling Alicia into his lap her head resting in the crook of his neck as he rubbed circles on her back. "It's okay...we can over come this...we'll get our kids back."

"I want mommy! I don't wanna be here!"

"Well you know what brat I'm your mother that lady your daddy hangs around with is a lie she's not your mom kid, this is best for you Hun now go watch tv and leave me alone!"

"MOMMY!"!JoJo screamed dropping to the floor.

"You wanna keep crying! I'll give you something to cry about!"

She stood up walking past Galina kicking her in the leg before running upstairs.

"YOU LITTLE BRAT! You wait til I get up there."

Being the young one she was she didn't understand the complete situation and all she could do was cry hoping Roman or Alicia would show up, Alana fast asleep in the shockingly  crib they provided,she Stood on her tippy toes look point down at Alana. "Sissy lo you." (Typed it like that on purpose)

Yours To Hold (6)Where stories live. Discover now