Part 8 : Clumsy Adorable Girl

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---Me--- No Baby, talked with them is boring. ;D

---Ellie--- What? If your friend heard they'll be upset. .\/.

I could pictured her face right now, pouting with her lips nearly go to her nose, when she's trying to look intimidate but end up like an angry puppy, the tempting little face that dragged me in and hold her in my arms.

Again I shook away the images of her lips.


---Me--- I don't care baby, unless it's you. ;**************


---Me--- Want to go out, with me?

---Ellie--- Where? I'll have to ask my mom. ;^

---Me--- okay, asked her and tell me back okay?

After a while my phone rang, Never Let You Go, a song for her, blasted out. It was Ellie, telling me she going with me. I hopped out of my bed and get downstair and I was out in a minutes with my backpack on my shoulder.

I drove straight for her house. Humming to myself, feeling better than ever. I parked in front of her house then call her. After a couple of ring, her melodic voices rush out sweetly, telling me she'll come out, for a moment. I waited and she walked out, and looked around rather than my car and smiles my favorite smile, she looked beautiful with her short summer dress and long sleeve shirt on top and ballet flats, her black hair flows around and I smiled. She got in along with her sweet scent that sometime I have to stop myself before I crashed her soft frame to me and snuggle closed to her neck and took a deep breath. And then look just like a full time pervert as she once said. I swallowed.

"Hello" She smiled brightly and averted my eyes then brought me a cute pink bottle that look like glass to me. "Here, this is iced milk coffee, I made this" She then smiled her eyes wide like a puppy as she waited for me to tasted and got to comfortable to my leather seat unconsciously. And I smiled like a lunatic, she remembered, as I told her I like coffee, and asked her if she know how to make it. As my favorite thing was from her, I think I like coffee way much more right now.

"Do you know how I like it?" I smirked, decided to tease her since I miss her so much for couple of day, when we can only talked on phone.

"I try, and of course I know" She stuck out her tongue and I chuckled.

And here she told me to stop treating her like a little girl when she always acted so cute whenever she around me, and my common sense just left me and I couldn't help but wanting to held her close and hide her from anyone else views.

What the hell Flynn?

I'm possessive I know.

I sipped on it while driving away from her drive way, back to my house, and don't asked why, I need her to myself for a moment, and I need to change my home clothes. Then the tasted explode in my mouth, it was just right, strong and heavenly black coffee with just a little mixed of sweet condense milk, and I forgot that Ellie was sitting right there looking at me expectantly for my feedback, I think. She knew how right to make my coffee.

"Hmmmmm, this is just normal" I said, feigning uninterested as I suppressed my lips from smiling waiting for her mad expression. And there she was, her shoulder dropped as her eyes sadden as her face dropped but then something replaced in her eyes as she took the glass away from me and her eyes narrowed and I was laughing out loud, and grabbed her hand, and she tried to take her hand away as always whenever she's mad.

I grinned, I love this part, I guess whenever I hold her she can't be mad anymore, she's the one to blame.

"Don't touch me" She said with her scowled trying to get away from me and all, but I won't let her, there's no excuse to touch her if she's not mad.

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