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Jaime's POV
3 years.. it's been 3 years. 3 years since I found my best friend again. 3 years since I made the greatest decision of my life. 3 years since I've felt completely lost. Everything is being put into place. I do get a little lonely nowadays since everyone has someone to share their time with, but that's okay. I still have each and every one of my favorite people. We still enjoy the mere presence of each other and we still treat each other like we've known each other our entire lives. That's how it's supposed to be. We love one another with all of our hearts and nothing will ever change that. I mean, sure we've been through a few problems every once in a while, but somehow we always fix them. That's just how it works. Pierce The Veil is still together, abc all of our fans are still as supportive. They even love Scar and Grace. There's still more music to come, in fact, we're working on our fifth album right now since Misadventures was a success. I'm still single, of course. I don't really put my trust into relationships. I am talking to this girl named Arlon, now. I met her at the bar a while back. She's amazing. Wow, look at me. 22 years old and still as big of a success as I was when I was 16.

Vic is happy. I mean genuinely happy. He's still with Kellin and he actually lives with him now. He moved out back in April. He said he'd wanted to do it for a while but he wasn't sure how we would react. In fact, the two of them are getting married soon. Here at the house actually, in the backyard. Vic has always loved this house so what could be better than getting married here. He calls everyday to check on everyone. Sometimes I forget that he's the oldest of all of us. He's 23 now. We see him at least once a week so that's always good. I do miss him, though. He was always the most well rounded.

Mike has his own business now. LHOEVAERT (lovare) is what he calls it. Nothing major, though. They're just socks and jackets. I'd say he's the same as he was when this all began. Happier, but the same. The same shitty attitude. The same overwhelming opinions. Except, now he has Grace. They finally made it official last year. I know, why wait, right? As far as I know, the two of them get along pretty well. Grace helps him design things for LHOEVAERT. The cutest couple ran business I've seen in a while actually. They still live here at the house, thankfully. I don't think I'll ever get rid of them. Nor do I really want to. Grace is 18 and Mike is 22. They think I don't know about it, but most of the time that I see them, one of them is either high or drunk, but that's fine with me. I can't control them anymore. I just miss the way it used to be. We still watch movies and go out together. It turns out, they both really like Arlon, and she likes them.

Scarlet is still my squirt. She still treats me like she did when we were younger. She still climbs in my bed when she has nightmares. She still loves my pancakes. She still loves me. And I still and always will love her. Just as much as I did in elementary school. She and Tony still have little arguments but that's all a part of being in a relationship. It's okay. Apparently, they're trying to move out, too. I don't want them to, but I can't do anything about it. They want to live in their house in Florida. I finally got to visit it last year and it's beautiful. They're still extremely happy together, like they're inseparable. They still take those pictures together, and go out to carnivals and see sporting games. Tony treats her like a queen, as he always has. He makes sure she has everything she needs. I knew I could trust him with her heart. Scar is finally 20 and Tony is 22. On his 21st birthday, they went down to Florida to do God knows what. I know for sure that I'll miss them when they leave. It won't be the same anymore. Tony and I have lived together since we were 16. We bought this house together when we were 18. He was my best friend.

This wouldn't be the end of Sanfuerryado. Sure, Vic was gone, and Tony and Scar were leaving, but it only changed a little bit. We talked all the time anyways so when they soft it wouldn't be hard to do. Sure I would miss them like crazy, but I'd manage. We'd been through a lot of crazy things and not one of them changed anyone's opinions of each other. We were still a family like we always would be. No matter how far away from each other we were, we still had a deep connection. Soon it would just be me Mike, and Grace. It would be quiet and lonely. I'd probably slip into depression again. But after all we've been through together, I didn't really care. There's nothing left. Everything would change. Eventually it will be just me. Just me in a huge house by myself. I'll have to downgrade when everyone else is gone. I don't know what I did to have luck as well as I did when I found Scarlet and Gracelyn that night 3 years ago, but one things for sure - it was all just a long arrangement of the lost and found. And it was a hell of a ride.

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