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Mike's POV
"Actually, you guys go ahead, I'll catch up with you later." I told the group standing by the car, waiting to get in.

"Mikey, it's my birthday!" Grace whined.

"I know, I know. But I really, really have to use the bathroom and you know how long that takes me." I lied.

"Fine. I'll see you later, Mike." She said, making her way inside the car with the others. I watched as they pulled out of the driveway.

"Alright, you've got a lot of work to do, Mikey boy." I said to myself.

I went into the living room and put my music on shuffle on the speakers. My plan was to have everything I needed already hidden in the house somewhere. I walked through every room that had something that I needed and marked them on the checklist.


Honestly, I went all out for this party. Once I finally had everything set up, I looked around at my work. Everything looked perfect. I had torn up trash bags and sheets in the windows, pop out figures all around the living room, and fake body parts in jars. Hell, I even threw a dildo in one. I bought black lights and a fog machine to set the mood. I even had fake blood dripping down the doors. I knew that tonight would be good.

I took one last look at everything and went into my bedroom to get dressed. Everyone else already had on their costumes when they left. Vic was a prince, Grace was a mermaid, Jaime was a banana, Scar was Catwoman, and Tony was The Joker. I decided to dress as The Devil. Typical, I know, but it looked pretty hot on me.

Once I was sure that everything was just right, I called everyone that I had invited. I called Romeo, I mean Raymond, and he called some of Grace's friends and, of course that chain continued. Soon after, people started ringing the doorbell.

I wanted to make sure it was a surprise, so the people I invited had to arrive before Grace got back. They all got in their perspective hiding spots and waited for Grace to show up. After sitting on the floor for five minutes, my legs started to go numb, so i stood up and started walking around. Just with my luck, the door opened, and in walked Grace and the others.

"Surprise!" We all yelled in unison. Well, everyone except for me, because I was still confused.

"Woah." Grace said.

"Woah is right, Gracelyn. Happy birthday!" I replied.

"I knew you couldn't resist." Scar mumbled, rolling her eyes.

"Same." The guys admitted.

"You did all of this for me?" Grace asked me.

"Of course! You're finally 16, G! You deserve it!" I said.

"Thank you, so much, Mikey!" She said while squeezing me into a tight hug. Then, she gasped. "Raymond!" She ran up to Raymond and jumped into his arms. "You knew about this?" She asked him.

"Of course I did, babe." He said while smiling.


'Oh, no.' I thought.

"You still haven't told them?" Raymond asked Grace.

"Well, now they know." She mumbled.

"Explain." Scar said.

"Well, you see." Grace started. "Raymond and I have been partially, secretly dating for the past 3 months."

"What do you mean partially secretly?" Scar asked.

"I mean Mike knew about it so it wasn't completely a secret." Here it comes.

"Mike, what the hell?" And there it is. Scar started rambling on to Grace and I about it and how we should have told them but honestly I stopped listening.

"It's not that big of a deal, Scar." I said.

Time went on and eventually Scar gave up and just stopped talking about the whole 'babe' thing so we could continue with the party.

I didn't know about anyone else but I was having a blast. Grace went around and she danced with everyone. I could tell that she was enjoying herself and that's all I wanted out of this party. To see Grace as happy as she is right now. Lately, she's been missing her dad. She's just been moping around like a human Eeyore. I couldn't stand to watch it. I tried comforting her, I did, but it never seemed to work and that frustrated me. I'm always able to make my Grace happy, but I couldn't and I didn't like it. Now, I see her laughing, smiling. She's happy. I watched as she talked to all the different people, dragging Raymond around as she went. The one time that Raymond wasn't with her was when she went to talk to Scar. When they stood together, I could see the resemblance between them. They were two of the most beautiful girls I knew. Before I knew it, Grace ran over to me and jumped into my arms.

"Mikey!" She said with her arms wrapped around my neck and her face buried in my shirt. She looked up at me. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!" She squealed.

"Anything for you, G. Are you having fun?" I asked, while hugging back.


"I'm glad. Grace, this is your day! Enjoy it! I planned every single bit of this party just for you." I explained.

"I know, I know. Thanks, Mike." She said before kissing me lightly on my cheek. "Aw, Mikey. Are you blushing?"

It turns out I was. I'm not sure why, she always does that. It's our thing. I tried to hide it by shaking my head vigorously.

"No, I'm not." I told her. "Now, go on, enjoy your party."

"Okay, okay." She said as she walked away. As soon as she left, another person came, that person being Scarlet.

"Hey, Mike." She said, while watching Grace as I had been.

"Hey." It was quiet for a few seconds.

"I saw that." I turned from watching Grace to looking at Scar.

"Saw what?" I asked.

"That whole thing with Grace."


"You were definitely blushing."

"I was not." I added.

"Whatever, Mike. Don't get caught up." She said as she walked away.

I don't know. Maybe I-

"Come on, dude! Vic is hanging off the ceiling like Spider-Man!" Jaime said while almost knocking me over in the process.

I followed him and there was Vic, sure enough, hanging from the ceiling. Tony dared me to do the same, but I couldn't. For some reason, even while monkey boy was dangling from the chandelier, I couldn't seem to get Grace off of my mind.

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