Twenty Two

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Jaime's POV
So, it turns out that I'm actually the mom of the group. I'm not sure how or when this was determined but I don't like it. I don't like it at all. Anyways, I got all of our passports and plane tickets organized in a little folder type thing. Today is the day we leave for Paris, France. We'll only be gone for two weeks, but I'm so excited for this trip. I can't wait to get out and explore the city with five of my favorite people. They've made me the happiest I can be. All of them are completely packed and ready to go. I told them to pack last week, but of course, they didn't. They're last minute packers. This morning, we woke up early, 6 o'clock. We were at the airport waiting for our flight that was supposed to take off at 8:30. It's only 7:42. Mike and Vic were off walking around, looking for food. Those two could always eat something. Tony and Scar we listening to music across from me. That left Grace and I. She was a little upset about leaving Raymond for two weeks, but she got over it.

"Hey Hime." Grace started.

"What's up?" She shifted in her seat so that she was facing me.

"I'm really glad we're doing this. I think it'll be good for all of us."

"I agree. But you came up with the idea, Grace. So it's all on you." I told her.

"I guess."

"Flight to Paris, France is now boarding. Flight to Paris, France is now boarding."

That's us.

"Grace, go find Mike and Vic and tell them to get their things."

"Okay." She said as she got up.

Minutes later, she returned with the two and we got in line to board the plane. There was a little mishap with the people in front of us but we managed to get on and find our seats just fine. I got us all seats in the same area. Mike, Grace, and I sat in one row, Tony, Scar, and Vic sat right behind us. It was a 12+ hour flight so we all got comfortable. I noticed Mike and Grace watching a video next to me. I had no idea what was going on behind me and honestly I really didn't want to know. I remember Vic telling me something about a movie that he was going to watch, I don't remember which one, though. Of course, after about 2 hours, I couldn't stand the boredom so I took a nap. A nice, long, 5 hour nap. How? I'm not sure, but I did it. When I woke up, I noticed that Mike and Grace were asleep, and so was Vic. I knew that this would be a long day.

Soon enough, we finally arrived in Paris. Everyone was awake and it was almost 3am, Paris time, 9pm Cali time.

"Look!" Grace said, pointing out the window.

It really was beautiful. I could see all the lights from above. Amazing. Once we landed and exited the plane, we went straight to our hotel - walking, of course. It was gorgeous. It was right in the center of the city. We grouped up, two to a room. The usual groups. We all sat in my room for a while just talking and making plans.

"Guys, there are so many things to do here! How are we gonna do all of them?" Grace said.

"Well, we are gonna be here for two weeks, remember?" I said.

"I know, I know."

"Got any plans, Hime?" Scar asked.

"No, not yet, but I'm sure I'll figure out some plans for at least the next few days." I explained. Honestly, I had no idea what we were going to do.

"Wait, I think we should just wing it." Mike said.

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea. That way we don't feel like we have to rush to get things done or anything." Tony added.

"Yeah. I vote on winging it." Vic said.

"Sounds good to me." Scar shrugged.

"Same." Grace said.

"Okay, then." I said.

"I think we should save the biggest thing for last, though." Grace suggested.

"And that is?" I asked.

"The Eiffel Tower!"

"Alright, GBee."

After all of that was settled, everyone else left and went into their own rooms. I doubt they went to bed but maybe they did, I don't know. Vic and I stayed up and watched Get Hard, because neither of us could sleep. Vic is always good company to be honest. He's not too loud, but he's also not too quiet. He's there for anyone when they need a hug or someone to talk to. Even a good laugh because he tells hilarious jokes. One thing about Vic, though, is that he's super emotional. One things for sure, he's a keeper.

After the movie, I turned off the tv and scrolled through Instagram for a while. I'm not gonna lie, I started stalking people. I went on Scar's page or @/hvddenmvnds and scrolled through her pictures. Puppies, food, selfies, and Tony. Occasionally you would see a group picture of Sanfuerryado. One picture that caught my attention was a picture of her and Tony. They were sitting on the floor in their room in front of the mirror. Tony was sitting with his legs crossed with his arms around her waist and he was kissing her cheek. She was sitting in his lap, one hand holding her phone and the other holding Tony's hand. She looked genuinely happy. That's something that I love seeing. I know that Tony is able to do that and I need to accept the fact that I'm not the only one who can anymore. After continuously scrolling through her pictures and going as far back as before we met again and seeing her depressing posts, I decided to go to sleep.

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