Twenty Five

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Vic's POV
Jaime says that today we're going to 3 different places. I don't know what they are yet, but Hime said that the others will love it. I'm just hoping it doesn't turn out like a couple of days ago in the rain, now that was tragic. He's already up and ready to go. For the past few days that we've been here we've just been eating the free breakfast that the hotel provides. I've been thinking for a while and I'm really glad we did this. I needed to get away from home for a while. One thing that I'm still upset about though is leaving Kellin. I mean, I've been texting him like 24/7 since I left but that's not enough. I miss our phone calls and facetimes. I miss hearing his voice and I miss him calling me cute little nicknames and trying to cheer me up when I'm upset. I miss him smoothing down my hair and kissing my forehead when I cry and holding me close at night. I just really wish he were here and that we didn't have to hide from everyone.

"Vic, you coming dude?" Jaime asked.

"Yeah, give me a second." I told him.

"Alright, just meet me outside when you're ready." And with that he was out the door.

I looked at myself in the mirror and wondered what the hell I was doing. I couldn't stand seeing myself anymore. Not when everyone else is perfectly fine. No secrets, no worries. Then there's me. Full of secrets and insecurities. At least all of their insecurities have been set free. Mine have merely been skimmed. I finally decided it would be best to go outside with Jaime so I made my way out, making sure to grab my sweatshirt.

"Ah, you made it." Jaime said as I approached him.

"Yeah I did." I said with a huge 'smile' on my face.

"And right on time, here they come." I turned around and sure enough, there were the other four.

"So, plans for today, Hime?" Grace skipped toward us.

"Canal Saint-Martin, Pont Alexandre lll, and Latin Quarter." He explained.

"I don't know what any of those are but let's do it!" Grace exclaimed.

So after that was said and done we started walking.

"So how long will it take us to get there Jaime?" Scar asked. For whatever reason, she and Grace were really hyper.

"Not long at all Scar."

"Well I hope we get there fast, don't wanna be late." Grace said as she spun around on the sidewalk in front of me.

"What did you do to them?" Jaime asked Mike and Tony. They shrugged.

We walked for a few more minutes and I could tell that Jaime was getting impatient with the extremely wild amount of questions the girls were asking.

"Are we almost there?" Scar asked.

"Yeah, look." Jaime said. The girls gasped.

"Wow! It's amazing!" Grace said.

We sat and waited for the boat to come to us. They were pretty excited. Finally, the boat showed up and we found our way into it. It started moving as soon as we settled.

"The water is so pretty!" Scar said. I agree, it was pretty.

"Mikey, come here!" Grace said calling for Mike. He showed up at her side moments later.

Scar turned around and I noticed the most beautiful smile on her face. "Babe!" She called before grabbing Tony's hand.

Jaime was leaning against the railing looking out over the canal.

I watched as Scarlet and Tony danced to the violinist playing onboard. They were so lucky to have each other. I just really wish I had Kellin.

After traveling all the way down the canal and back up to where we started, we finally got off.

"Okay, Jaime, lead the way." Scar said while still gripping Tony's hand tightly.

It was already 4 because we didn't leave the hotel until 1. It was an hour walk to the next stop but I didn't mind and apparently neither did the others. We even stopped for some ice cream. It was getting a little dark out, but that was better because all of the lights came on.

"There it is, I see it!" Grace pointed out.

"Yep, that's it." Jaime said.

It was amazing. We walked halfway across it then they stopped to take pictures. Grace took a picture when she was on Mike's neck of the view from where she was. Then after, I saw her take a picture of the two of them from the same angle. If Kellin were here, we could do that. I saw Tony and Scar take a picture of them kissing with the sunset in the background. Kellin would have loved that. The more this night drags on, the more I miss Kellin. We all took a group photo. Sanfuerryado was an amazing thing. We cared about each other so much. It was great. Once it was getting a little too dark, they all decided to go to the Latin Quarter for the nightlife. I went back to the hotel, I needed a break.

As soon as I got back, I pulled out my phone. I knew I shouldn't but I don't know. What if Jaime came back? What if someone else walked in? I pushed my thoughts aside and did it anyways. While I waited, I fixed myself in the camera. A smile flew across my face as soon as the screen came into focus.

"Vic!" He said.

"Kells!" I replied.

"I missed you so much, babe! How's Paris?" Kellin asked. My heart fluttered at the sound of his voice.

"I missed you too! And Paris is pretty great. I'm just missing you more than usual today." I explained.

"Aw, babe. Is that why you called?" He raised an eyebrow at me with a small smirk.

"Yeah it is." I admitted.

"Well, where's everyone else?" He asked.

"They're out in the city somewhere, I don't know."

He started fiddling with things around him so he wasn't even looking at the screen. I stared at his beautiful face for a while. He looked down at the camera and noticed that I was watching him.


"Nothing, I just miss your beautiful face so much. I can't wait to see you again." I told him.

"I miss you too." He giggled as he stared at the ground.

"Kellin." I started. He looked at me and flipped his hair out of his face in the process.


"I love you." As soon as I said that he looked so happy.

"I love you too, Vic." He smiled.

"You mean so much to me." After I said that, I heard laughs coming from the hallway and I looked at the door.

"What's wrong?" Kellin asked me.

"Nothing. I gotta go, though. Jaime will be back soon."

"Oh okay..." He sighed.

"Hey." I said and he looked at me. "I swear we can tell them soon, alright? I love you."

"Okay. I love you too." He said.

"Bye Love." I ended the call.

I laid down and pretended to sleep as Jaime walked in the door. I really missed my Kellin.

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