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Tony's POV
It's 2:17am and this is the 3rd time Scarlet has gotten up to vomit. I'm honestly really worried about her. She's had headaches and has hardly left our room for the past 3 days. She hardly sleeps and is constantly groaning in pain. She tosses and turns and I have no idea what's wrong with her.

"Are you okay, babe?" I asked her as I laid in bed, waiting for her response.

"No, I'm not fucking okay. I feel miserable." She said from the bathroom and then came back to lay down in bed.

"Do you need more medicine?" I asked.

"Yeah, that'd help." She said.

"Alright, I'll be back." I said and got up to head out of the door.

"Thank you." She said quietly.

I watched her for a few minutes and made sure she was asleep before I left. I can't stand seeing her like this.

Scar's POV
Another picture hit the ground.

"Just fucking stop and listen to me!" I yelled.

"No! I'm done 'listening' to your bullshit! I'm leaving!" He yelled back as he knocked over another picture while shoving his things into a bag.

"Please, Tony." I said.

"You should've said that before, Scarlet!"

"I love you!" I ran toward the door to block it.

"Fucking no! You don't! Stop lying to me!" He grabbed me by my hair and pushed me away.

I started hitting him everywhere in attempt to get him to stop but he wouldn't. He just kept bringing his hand back to my body.

"Why won't you listen to me?" I asked him.

"Because, Scar. You had your chance and you fucked it up with that asshole."

"It wasn't my fault!" I said.

He took me by the arm and dragged me to the window. I struggled to break free of his grip but I couldn't, he was too strong. He pushed my head over the ledge and held me there for a while.

"Let go of me!" I was screaming and crying frantically.

I felt my body fall and everything went black.

...I found myself in a dark room, my bedroom. The bed was soaked in tears and sweat and I was shaking. I got up and made my way towards Jaime's room. I walked in and laid down next to him, pushing my body as close to him as possible.

"Scarlet?" Jaime said. I had woken him up.

I was still crying quietly next to him. He sat up and shifted so that he was facing me.

"Are you okay?" He asked me and I was silent.

He decided that it was best to just leave it for a while and he laid back down pulling me closely. I cried on his chest and it got louder and louder. He smoothed down my hair, he was the only one who knew that that's what calmed me down. After a few minutes of laying in silence aside from my sniffles every once in a while, I heard the front door close. There were footsteps going towards Tony and I's bedroom and soon after, they came and found Jaime's room, it was Tony. I guess he knew me well. He came in, gave me what I needed, and walked out.

"So?..." Jaime started. "What was it about?"

"What?" I asked, confused.

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