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Scar's POV
I was having a really good dream for the first time in what feels like months, but of course, with my luck I was rudely interrupted by the sound of yells. Obviously, I got up to see what it was this time, not even caring that I was only in a tank top and spandex.

"So, is there a reason why you guys woke me up again?" I asked the group of people I've become close with.

"They're trying to make me go to school!" Grace exclaimed.

"Well, G, you're 15, you have to go to school." I told her.

"But, I don't wanna!" She protested.

"Well, I didn't wanna either but I had to so, so do you."

"No! You're not gonna make me go to high school, again! That means I have to talk to people my age!"

"Just do what I did, don't talk to anyone unless they talk to you first." I said.

"No! I'm not going!"

"Okay, fine." I told her. "Let's make a deal. You go this year and if you still feel the same by the end you can drop out and work in an ice cream truck. Deal?"

She thought for a while. "Well, not the ice cream truck, but yeah sure, deal." She said and we shook hands.

"Well, now that that's settled, I'm hungry. Let's go to IHOP, and then we can go to the mall." Jaime said.

"Ugh, why are we going to the mall again?" Grace asked. Grace absolutely did not like shopping. Well, she went with dad all the time so I don't know.

"You're starting school soon, and you need a definite wardrobe update." He said, even though we go shopping all the time.

"I have an idea! How about we all go to the mall and each of us takes Grace to a different store. That way she can get different types of things with different people." Vic suggested.

"I'm down! As long as I get to take her to Hot Topic!" Mike said.

"Then, that's what we'll do!" Jaime said.

"Okay then, get ready and meet me in the car, I'll drive." I said.

"No!" They all said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"No offense, Scar, but you're not the best driver." Vic said.

"I'm a great driver, call me FFD." I told them.

"What's FFD?" Tony asked.

"Fantastic Fucking Driver, FFD, I'm a great driver." I said. They all looked at me for a while. "Okay, fine, you drive, Vic. I'm gonna get ready." I said and went upstairs.


Grace's POV
Once we all ate, we made our way to the mall.

"Okay, I'm going first! You guys can go wherever and we'll text you when we're done." Jaime said. "Come on, Grace."

"Where are we going?" I asked.

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