Twenty Six

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Another day in Paris for the Sanfuerryado's. The last day in Paris for them, actually. They'd all previously agreed on saving the best thing for last, that thing being the Eiffel Tower. The time was 10:56am, the sun was shining bright and birds were chirping - a perfect morning. None of them were awake yet, so that was a good thing. They had no idea what the day had coming for them. The first one up, of course, was Jaime. He felt that since he was the leader apparently, he had to be up first. Though, he naturally woke up that early on a daily basis. Everyone else slept in longer than he had. He decided to take it upon himself to wake them all up by calling their phones and telling them all to meet him in the lobby by 12. He waited to wake Vic up last, because for some reason he didn't seem like himself lately. Who knew.

12 o'clock came and Jaime found himself sitting in the lobby, waiting for everyone else. Surprisingly they weren't that late at all. Apparently sleeping in helped them a lot time wise.

"Okay, guys, this is it." Jaime started. "Our last day in Paris and we need to make it count."

"Don't get me wrong guys, I love it here and everything but I miss my bed." Mike said.

"Yeah, same." Scar said.

"Anyways, we're going to lunch first and you guys can get whatever you want, I don't care." Jaime continued.

"Good, can we go now then?" Grace asked.

"Give me a second. So after lunch we'll head straight to the Eiffel Tower and that's it. Our flight is later tonight."

"Is that it?" Scar asked.


"Okay, so food." Grace said.

Jaime started to walk and they all followed him. It only took 20 minutes for the six of them to get to the restaurant they were eating at. No one knew what it was called, they just kind of went because that's where Jaime said to go. They all found a table and crammed themselves into the tiny area outside. They all got some type of crêpe because none of them had ever tried one in France before. Jaime got chocolate, Tony got Nutella and shared with Scar, Vic got chocolate, and Mike and Grace got strawberry.

"Dude, try mine." Mike said while trying to feed Vic his crêpe, he refused.

"I already did. Stop it." Vic answered.

They all just continued eating each other's food for a while before Jaime spoke up.

"Okay, I think we should go before we make an even bigger mess."

Everyone looked around at the little mess they'd made and tried to clean it up a little. Jaime paid and they started walking again, this time to the Eiffel Tower.

"Do you think it looks the same up close?" Grace asked.

"I'm sure it does, Grace." Tony answered.

"I feel like it's way taller than we think." Scar said.

"It probably is huge compared to how big we think it is." Vic sighed.

They all seemed the happiest they'd been in a while and that just made them all increasingly more happy. They knew that it was a good idea to get away from home for a while. As they approached the tower, lots of sounds of awe came from their mouths.

"Well, you were right, Scar." Jaime said.

They all walked around and took pictures before going up a level. They took a few group pictures before splitting up. Vic went off by himself somewhere, same with Jaime, Mike and Grace were together, and Tony and Scar went together.

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