Twenty Eight

64 2 0

Grace's POV

What the fuck?


Okay, that is my phone. Who the hell could be calling me. I checked the clock - 2:38am. I tiredly reach for my phone and answered it without even looking to see who it was.

"Hello?" I uttered.

"Babe?" I heard the person on the other end gasp.

"Ray?" I looked at the phone and sure enough it was him. "Raymond, why are you calling me so late?" I asked, obviously annoyed.

"How fast can you get here?" He stifled. It sounded like he was crying.

"What? Baby, what's wrong?"

"Gracelyn, how fast can you get here?" He asked again.

"I, uh. I don't know. Are you at home?" Now I was completely concerned.

"Yeah.." He coughed.

"Okay, I'll get there as soon as I can." I told him.

"Please hurry. I love you, Gracie."

"I love you, too." As soon as I hung up, I put on some sweatpants, grabbed my skateboard, and made my way out of my window.

I know for a fact that Raymond was crying, but he didn't tell me why. Actually, he didn't even tell me what was going on. I just hope he's not hurt. I made my way down the empty streets of San Diego, trying not to get caught since it was way after curfew. Ray lived about 10 minutes away so I had some time to myself in the fresh air. Soon enough, I'd made it to Ray's house. I walked around back and climbed the gate to hop into his open window. I found him sitting on the floor, pulling on his hair.

"Oh my god." I mumbled. When he heard me, he ran to me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Baby." He cried out.

"Ray, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He slid down so that he was on his knees and hugging my legs.

"Baby girl, I had a dream." I sat down next to him on the floor.

"About what?" I asked.

"I had a dream that you left me. You left me and didn't even tell me why. I was so lost, love. And I didn't even know what I did wrong. I couldn't do anything about it, either." He muttered through tears. "And on top of that, when I woke up, I saw him again."

"Saw who, babe?"

"The man that always appears when I have a bad dream. I saw him over in the corner." He said, pointing towards the shadows by his dresser. Nothing there. Sometimes I forget about his illness due to the fact that it's not severe, I don't think.

"Raymond, please just go back to bed, I don't want your dad or sister waking up. Then you'll be in trouble." I said as I rubbed his back slowly.

I sat him down on his bed and was going to sit at his desk when he stopped me.

"Lay with me, please." He whimpered. I did as told and he pulled me as close to him as possible.

I honestly didn't know what to say. I didn't know how to comfort him at all so I just laid there. I could still hear him crying behind me and I felt his chest rapidly hitting against my back.

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