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Scar's POV
It's 7:30 in the morning and all I'm hearing right now is whispering. Honestly, if they thought they'd get away with this, they were dead wrong.

"Alright, is everyone armed?" Vic whispered.

"Yeah." The others muttered.

I opened up one of my eyes a little to get a glimpse of what exactly they were doing.

"Okay, on three." Mike whispered, as I gripped my water gun under my pillow. "One, two-"

"Three!" I yelled as I shot at all of them at once. As soon as the water hit them, I heard various jumps and screams. "Nice try assholes, but I knew this was coming."

"You bitch!" Grace yelled at me. Then, I felt myself being soaked with freezing cold water.

"Grace, what the fuck? At least my water wasn't cold!" I half yelled, half giggled at her.

"Abort mission!" Jaime yelled.

"Well I was obviously expecting the water gun attack but not this early in the morning. I'm exhausted!" I said.

"Sorry bout it! But when could it be any better?" Jaime said.

"Whatever. Get out so I can change." I replied. "You too Tony." And with that everyone was out.

Today's gonna be amazing, I can already tell. I loved the water guns and I really wanna see what else they have planned. I know that they know it's my birthday, they just haven't said it yet. I stepped into the shower and just stood in the hot water for a while. As I watched the water run down my stomach I noticed some things that I should have forgotten about - my scars. I promised Jaime that I'd stop cutting and I did, it just didn't last very long. I try to ignore my thoughts and I shut off the water.

For some odd reason it's really quiet. I guess everyone else left, because we all know that it's constantly loud in this house. I threw on a black shirt that said "It's my birthday, bitch", a black skirt, and a black beanie. After I finished getting dressed I went downstairs and flipped the tv on to watch SpongeBob. As soon as I'd gotten comfortable everyone burst through the door.

"Happy birthday, Scar!!!" They all yelled in unison. Scared the hell out of me.

"We brought IHop!" Vic said. He knows how much I like IHop.

"Aw, thanks guys!" I replied.

"So how does it feel to be 18 Scar?" Mike asked.

"It feels great! But it's not really different though." I said.

"Oh well, let's eat!!!" Tony said as he handed me my food.

My pancake had strawberries and whipped cream on top of it. Of course, I had to take a picture of it before I took a bite. I'm only doing it because it's my birthday. When I took my first bite, a single tear fell. Let's say that it was a damn good pancake. After we'd all eaten I got extremely anxious.

"So what'd you guys get me?" I screeched.

"I don't know, see for yourself." Grace said.

It turns out I got a giant stuffed Giraffe from Mike, a t-shirt signed by Christofer Drew from Jaime, 6 new beanies from Grace, and phone cases from Vic. After they'd given me my gifts, I noticed I didn't get one from Tony.

"I got this for you, Scar. Turn around." Tony said. He put a necklace with a key on it around my neck and a bracelet that said "Turtles For Life" on my wrist.

"What's the key for?" I asked and he gave me a small smile.

"You'll find out soon." He said and kissed my cheek.

"Thanks so much for the gifts you guys. It means a lot." I said.

"No problem, Scar, but we have more stuff to do today." Jaime said.

"Like what?"

"Like go to sky zone."

"Skyzone?!?! Jaime, I've always wanted to go to sky zone! We have to go now!"

We had our fun at Skyzone, but unfortunately that had to end.


"Hey, Scar, do you want to ride with me?" Tony asked.

"Sure, is anyone else going?"

"Nah, just you."

"Okay, come on."

I got up from my spot on the sofa and walked out to the car. We didn't really talk, except for when he told me that we were going to the store. Which store, I don't know. We drove around for a while until Tony pulled up to this really fancy restaurant.

"I thought we were going to the store." I said.

"Well, I thought we'd come here..." He said as he came over to open my door.

"This is a date isn't it?" I asked him.

"Only if you want it to be."

"I love it already."

When we walked in I felt so underdressed for a restaurant that fancy. After we'd eaten and everything, Tony suggested a walk on the beach.

"Why are you being so cute?" I asked him.

"Oh, you know, just because I can." He said and grabbed my hand.

"I like it..." I said, gripping his hand tightly. This was the first time we'd ever held hands. And I liked the feeling.

He led me up some stairs and all the way up to the roof of a building where he had a blanket and some candles set up.

"Wow... You did all this for me?" I said quietly. No one's ever done anything like this for me.

"You, and only you." He said to me and gave me a big smile while he led me to the blanket to sit down. "Wait here"

He went behind the wall to get something, while I just sat and waited. When he came back I couldn't believe my eyes.

"You got it?? I can't believe it!" I ran and hugged him, before grabbing it and observing it.

He got me the skateboard that I wanted and he got it airbrushed with a skull with flowers coming out of it.

"This is so cool! Help me ride it!" I pulled him over towards an empty space.

"Be careful." He said to me. I stood on it while he held my hands to balance me. I'm completely uncoordinated. He started to pull me around the rooftop until he tripped and brought me down with him. I fell on top of him and just stared for a while. Never have I ever felt this strongly about anyone before. The only thing that I could do was stare into his deep brown eyes.


"Yeah, Scar?"

"I love you."

He froze for a moment. "I love you too." He said with a smile on his face, making my smile look nonexistent.

Before I knew it, our lips were intertwined. There we were, kissing under the reflection of the moonlight.

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