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Vic's POV
"Shhh or they'll hear us." I said.

"Do you not want them to?" Kellin said.

"Well, not really. I'm not sure if they will respond the right way."

Kellin and I were trying to think of a way to get into the house without making too much noise. I didn't want anyone to know what we had been up to. I just don't feel like they will be accepting of it, that's all. I just hope that we won't get caught before we're ready to come out and say it on our own.

"Over here. The back door. I don't think anyone is in the kitchen right now. Everyone's either asleep or in the living room." I told Kellin.

"Alright, you go in first and I'll come right behind you." He said.

I walked through the door making sure to open it slowly so it wouldn't creak. Once we were in I closed the door the same way I opened it.

"Okay come on. I was right, they are in the living room." I sighed. "Ready, Kells?" I reached for his hand.

"Ready, Vic." He took my hand as we walked through the door.

"Oh, hey guys. Where've you been?" Grace asked.

"And why are you holding hands?" Tony asked. Scarlet scoffed and formed a small smirk on her lips. I shook my head at her.

"Okay.. Kellin and I have something to tell you." I said as a took I deep breath. Kellin let go of my hand and went in the kitchen.

"YOU'RE GAY TOGETHER! I KNEW IT!" Grace bursted out. Kellin walked back in.

"We got a dog!!!!" I said as Kellin let the animal run in. It started running around jumping on everyone and it finally settled and sat on Scar's lap. "His name is Lightning!! We got him a few days ago and Kellin's been taking care of him!"

"Why did you get a dog and not tell anyone?" Jaime asked.

"I thought it would be a cute little surprise!" I replied.

"I'm glad you didn't tell us! Jaime wouldn't have let you bring him!" Scar said.

"Yeah, that's true." Mike said. Soon enough everyone was surrounding Lightning and petting him softly. Everyone except for Jaime.

"Guys..." Jaime said but no one listened. "hey... Guys.. Gu- Hey! Fucking listen to me!" He yelled getting everyone's attention.

"What the fuck, Hime?" Scar said.

"Yeah, what's up your ass?" Mike asked.

"This dog, that's what!" He said.

"Okay, so? What's wrong with him?" Scar questioned.

It finally hit me. I totally forgot about what happened.

*****Flashback: When the guys were 13*****

"Come on, Mike, catch me!" Tony yelled.

"Why are you running so fast, Tony?" Mike called after him.

"Calm down, Mikey, he's not gonna get too far." Jaime said. They were playing two hand touch football on our way home from school while I watched because I wasn't feeling good.

"Why not?" Mike asked. Suddenly we heard a loud crash and a burst of laughter.

"That's why!" Jaime screamed while laughing uncontrollably. Tony fell over the neighbors fence and onto a pile of logs.

"It's not funny! Help me up!" Tony said. Immediately Mike, Jaime, and I went to help him get up and over the fence.

"Let's go inside, I'm hungry." Jaime said.

"Yeah, and this game isn't so fun anymore..." Tony mumbled.

"Alright." I said and followed my three best friends inside of the brick decorated house.

We all went into the kitchen and Mike, Tony, and I sat at the table as Jaime dug through the fridge.

"There's nothing to eat!" Jaime whined. I went over to help him look for food.

"There is a box of chicken fingers right he-" I started to say but was interrupted by someone bursting through the front door and loud sobbing.

"Jaime, baby, there's something I need to tell you." Jaime's mom said quietly. "It's about Lucy."

Lucy was Jaime's dog that he'd gotten for his 8th birthday. I remember because the 8 candle on the cake wouldn't light and Lucy came and stepped on it.

"What's the matter, mom?" Jaime asked.

"Sit down." She said and he did as told. "Today while you were at school, Lucy got hit by a car. I was inside when I heard the tire screeches so I had to hurry and get out to see what happened. When I found her, she was in the middle of the street." She stopped for a few seconds. "By the time I'd gotten to her she'd already.... She'd already stopped breathing...I tried to save her for you, Jaime, I did. But it was too late. I'm sorry.."

When I looked over at Jaime, he was covered in tears, quietly crying to himself. He got up and ran straight upstairs and into his room. After that I hadn't seen him in days. I thought about all of the games we use to play with Lucy, and then she was gone. Jaime's parents wanted to get him another dog a few years later for his 14th birthday but he said he never wanted to see a dog again.

*****Flashback over*****

"I just don't want a dog here, okay?" Jaime said and stormed out of the room.

"You know, Hime's right. We probably shouldn't have gotten a dog in the first place... Hey, um, Kellin.. Do you think you could take care of Lightning? You know, keep him alive?" I sighed.

"Of course I will, Vic. Anything for you guys." He said. "Actually, I think I should go now, it's getting late." He went over and picked up Lightning. "Good night guys." He said and waved to everyone.

"Night Kellin!" They all replied and waved back.

"Here, I'll walk you out." I said to him as we walked towards the door and I made sure it closed behind us.

"I'm sorry the plan didn't work, Vic." He said to me, and I just stared at my feet. After a few seconds he tilted my chin, making me look at him. "Hey. It's okay, at least you tried. Don't get too down on yourself." He continued and then put his lips against mine, taking them away moments later. "Goodnight, babe." He said and walked away. I stood with my head down even after he rounded the corner.

"Night." I whispered and went back inside.

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