Twenty Three

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Grace's POV
I woke up to the sound of Mike's soft snores. I smiled at the thought of him curled up in a ball like usual. It was so damn cute. He always slept like that. I went to get up when I felt something around my waist. I blushed as soon as I saw Mike's arm around me. I guess I was so distracted by his snores that I didn't realize that his face was buried in my hair. We were so close that soon enough, my entire face went red. In the middle of the night, I think he woke up and now he's here. I tried to move his arm but as soon as I lifted it up, he gripped my waist tightly and pulled me super close to his body, closer than I was before. I tried again and got the same results.

"Please don't leave me, Grace." He said in a whisper, almost like he was crying. I looked back at him and he was still sleeping, but instead of his calm, adorable sleepy Mike face, his eyebrows were pushed together. I wonder what he was dreaming about.

Instead of trying to leave again, I turned around and faced him, still as close as I was before, my face against his chest and his arm pulling me close. I knew that I had to get up but I couldn't resist. I soon fell asleep again.

"G." I heard. "G, come on, you gotta get up."

"What?" I mumbled as I slowly leaned up.

"You gotta get up, come on." It was just Mike standing next to the bed.

"Why?" I asked sleepily.

"Because Jaime made plans." He explained.

"Oh." I sat up and leaned against the headboard.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Mike changing - well, shirts. I knew I shouldn't look, but I had to. He was just so damn attractive. Lately, I've been looking at him in ways that I never had before. He could change in front of me all the time and it wouldn't phase me. Now, it's like I can't get enough. I collected myself and got up to change. Once I stood up, I remembered that I only had on shorts and a sports bra. Oh well. I bent over to pick up my bag and felt eyes on me. I subtly turned around and saw Mike's head turn quickly. I didn't really think anything of it so I picked out my outfit - black skinny jeans and a black and blue sweater. I slid off my shorts and put my jeans on soon after. I was wearing a sports bra so I pulled a regular one and a tank top out of my bag. I turned towards the wall and took off my sports bra. I reached for my new bra and soon discovered that it wasn't where I left it. Mike.

"Mike!" I yelled.

"Grace!" He mocked.

"Give me my bra." I said while still facing the wall.

"You mean that one?" He asked. I turned my head to see my bra sitting on the desk behind him.

"Mike!!" I whined while stomping my feet.


"Give it!!"

"Come and get it." He said.

I turned around making sure to cover myself fully with my arms before I started walking towards him. Once I got close enough, he picked it up and held it up high. I'm 5'4".

"Please!!" I begged, only one arm covering myself now that I have to jump.

"Fine." He gave in and handed me my bra.

Once he gave it back, I finished getting ready while Mike sat on the bed.

"Are you done yet?" Mike asked.

"Yes I'm done."

"Okay, Jaime wants us to meet right outside the hotel." He said.

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