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Jaime's POV
A few weeks ago, I ran into an old friend. An old best friend, in fact. She and her sister, Grace ran away and had nowhere else to go so now they live with me. The three of us are pretty close and it's just like old times between Scar and I. I'm glad I got to them before anyone else could.

Scar and Grace are the most beautiful girls ever! I just wish they would see it. I know more about them than they think I do. I think they see me as only a random person and not being able to recognize the feelings of other people, but that's not true. I feel the need to comfort them as much as possible when they need it and for those two, that's a lot. That's pretty much all I did with Scar when we were younger. I never knew that she had a sister, and definitely one that's only a few years younger than her. Well, anyways, It's been a while since we've reunited and I finally think they're ready. Today I'm going to introduce them to the band. The guys live here actually, but they went on a little staycation in LA for a few weeks, leaving me home alone.

I woke up early this morning before Grace and Scar. I made them a pretty good breakfast if I do say so myself - eggs, sausage, pancakes, and bacon. I put together our plates, and waited for them to come down.

Grace's POV
Living with Jaime has been a change for the better. I actually feel welcome in my own home. He never hesitates to ask me what I want and I haven't had that feeling in a long time. I was up just laying in bed for about 20 minutes. I guess eventually I had to get up and do something productive. I was finishing up my drawing when I heard my stomach growl.

"Shut up." I said to myself.

Soon after deciding whether to be lazy or be healthy, I got up and went downstairs only to find God's greatest creation - food.

"Jaime!! You're a lifesaver!! How did you know I was starving??" I yelled excitedly.

"Shhh! Calm down! I just know my GBee well enough." He said and chuckled. "Anyways, I have a surprise for you and Scar. For now just eat some breakfast and I'll turn the TV on, Kay?"

"Kay!" I replied and happily ate my delicious food. This is another reason why I love living with Jaime so much, his food is amazing!

"Hey GBee!" Jaime called for me. He calls me GBee because he says that I'm so hyper all the time that I remind him of a bee.

"Yes hime time?

"Should I make more food?"

"Definitely! Make some tacos too!!

"It's breakfast time GBee! We can have tacos for dinner."


"Would I really lie about tacos?"

"Okay, cool." I say and continue to stuff my face with bacon.

Scarlet's POV
I woke up to the smell of bacon, my favorite breakfast food. I decided not to get dressed so I just went downstairs in some pacman pajama pants and a tank top. As soon as I saw food and Grace in the same room, I knew it wouldn't end well.

"Hime!!!" I yelled and jumped into Jaime's arms.

"Scar!!!" He yelled back as he caught me. This isn't weird by the way, its sort of a daily thing.

"So, food." I said.

"Yeah, food for you." He handed my plate to me.

I took my spot next to Jaime on the counter and began to eat.

We talked and ate for a while until Jaime said something that caught my attention.

"So I have a surprise for both of my little burritos!" I nodded at him to continue. "You're gonna meet the band today!"

"It's about time! Where? When?" I asked frantically, still processing what he'd just told me.

"At the mall in about an hour. By the way... Shopping today!!!!"

"Can we still eat our tacos???" Grace said and I gave her a look. "I mean yay! Shopping!"

"Okay, well I have to get dressed! Meet me here when you guys are ready!" Jaime said as he ran up the stairs.

"Grace, you can fit some of my stuff right?" She nodded "Okay just take a shower and wait in your room, I'll pick out your stuff." I told my sister and ran upstairs to take a shower.

After I got out of the shower I put on ripped black skinny jeans, a grey Black Veil Brides sweater, and my grey vans. I also put on my choker, did my makeup, and decided to leave my hair down today.

Grace's POV
Today's the day I finally meet the band! I took a quick shower and waited in my room as told. After only 5 minutes of waiting, Scar came in with some of her clothes.

"Okay, are you ready young child?" She asked me. I swear Scar is like a kid, but I love her for it so I nodded.

She tossed me some grayish high waisted skinny jeans with small rips in the knees, and a black All Time Low crop top.

She stared at me for a good 10 seconds before pulling my hair into a messy side braid. When she was done with that I put on black converse, and an All Time Low choker that Jaime got for me.

Jaime's POV
I sat in the living room waiting for them to come downstairs. I figured now would be a good time to text Vic.

Jaime: Meet us outside of hot topic.
Vic: Alright, cool. See you then.

By the time Vic texted back, Scar and Grace were ready to go.

"So I see you hooked up lil sis... Nice." I said to Scar.

"I want her to be able to wear nice things... I'm so proud of myself." She said in a dramatic voice. I could never get sick of that.

"Whatever, drama queen." I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Come on let's meet PTV!!!" Scar yelled.

"And eat tacos!!" Grace joined in. God I love that girl! I'm rubbing off on her!!!

"To the tacos!!" I yelled

"To the tacos!!" Grace and Scar join.

And with that, we're on our way to the ta- I mean the band.

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