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Scarlets POV
On our way to the mall, Grace would not stop talking. She kept going on and on about how excited she was. At least I had the mentality to hold my excitement in. I was so relieved when we finally pulled into the parking lot.

Grace jumped out of the car and waited for us.

"Grace." I said.

"Yeah?" She turned her head.

"Calm down." Jaime and I said in unison.

"Oh, right, sorry. I'm just so excited!"

"We know." Jaime told her.

"Now, come on, let's go." I said walking towards the big building.

We walked in together and threw out ideas on where to go first. I said Hot Topic, Grace said the Disney store, and Jaime said Journey's. We decided on Journey's since it was the closest.

We made our way toward the store and as soon as it came into view, raced each other to see who could get there first. Of course, Jaime won. When we walked in something immediately caught my eye - pizza Van's.

"Hime, can I get these?" I asked him.

"No. But the three of us can get them!" He said. Of course we ended up getting them and left.

Our next stop was the Disney store. From outside, you could hear Let It Go playing. Grace ran over to these weird bean shaped stuffed animal things. Tsum Tsum's I think is what she called them. I don't know. But she ended up getting a Daisy Duck one. I definitely didn't want anything from there at the time and neither did Jaime so after Grace bought her creepy thing we left and headed to Hot Topic.

Hot Topic was right next door, so we didn't have to look for it long. After about 20 minutes, I'd finally finished. I got 5 shirts, 2 pairs of jeans, 4 beanies, and some chokers. I also got Grace 5 shirts, a pair of jeans, 2 beanies, and some bracelets. It's a good thing Grace likes what I like, so we can share clothes.

When we walked out of Hot Topic, right in front of me was none other than, Pierce The Veil! Although it doesn't really phase me because you know... I live with Jaime... But I've never met the rest of the band!

"Guys, this is Scar and Grace." Jaime introduced us.

"Hey" we all said our hellos.

Vic came over and gave me a quick hug, followed by Mike who did the same. I'm not gonna lie, I blushed a little. Next came Tony. He gave me the sweetest hug and a kiss on the cheek. I blushed super hard when he did that because Tony's always been my favorite. I thought he didn't notice but then he laughed under his breath and gave me a wink.

"So, where are you guys headed?" Vic asked breaking the silence.

"I was thinking maybe we could ditch the mall and go to the movies?" I suggested.

"That actually sounds like a plan! You guys wanna join?" Jaime asked the guys.

"Sure! We're in!" Vic said.

"Okay then, let's go before it's too late!" I yelled excitedly.

"Wait!!! After we eat tacos! I haven't had any since yesterday!" Grace whined. "Jaime, you promised!"

"Then, let's get some tacos first." Jaime replied, probably forgetting the promise he made.

"Tacos!!!" Grace yelled. And we were on our way to 'Nacho Taco'.

We told the guys that we would meet them there. They left before us so they'd probably get there before us.

"So, how are you liking the day so far?" Jaime asked us.

"I'm having a lot of fun, thanks Hime." I said and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek.

"Yeah, same. Thanksy Himey." Grace said and repeated my actions.

By then, we finally arrived at 'Nacho Taco'. We pulled in right next to the guys and made our way towards the entrance. The hostess showed us to our seats and we sat down in a big booth. Jaime ordered us the taco platter.

When our tacos finally came, Grace was, of course, the first one eating. Apparently, they tasted amazing.

The tacos here are great, believe me, but my stomach started to hurt so I stopped eating.

"So Jaime, two girls huh?" Mike said trying to start a conversation. "How's it been without us?"

"It's great! I have my own personally maids!" He replied and everyone started laughing. "No but really, I love it! These two weirdos are family now! And with them both being so beautiful it makes it even better!" Jaime finished talking and kissed my cheek. We may act like a couple but that's just how we are. It's how we've always been.

"That's great Hime! I'm glad you're happy!" Tony said quietly.

"And that I am." Jaime said.

Once we'd all finished eating and paid we left. The movie theater was just down the street, so we decided to walk. Grace rode on Jaime's back while Vic rode on Mike's. My guess is that they were racing. Tony and I stayed in the back, talking.

"So how is it? You know living with Jaime?" Tony asked me.

"I love it! It's great to actually have someone who cares, you know?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I totally get it. But you'll be seeing more of us now. And in case you hadn't noticed, we all think you're pretty cool." He bumped into my shoulder.

"Great. And I don't mind seeing more of you guys." I bumped his shoulder back.

I guess with all the talking, I didn't notice that we'd made it to the theater. We all got our tickets and found our spots. Of course Grace sat between Vic and Jaime at the front, Mike sat in the middle with an entire row to himself, and Tony and I sat in the very back. You could clearly hear the others laughing the entire time. I was laughing too until the unexpected happened. Tony leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. I really hope he didn't notice me smiling and blushing like an idiot. That would be extremely embarrassing. When I gained my ability to think straight again, I looked over at him to see his eyes locked on the screen with a smile plastered on his face. Unfortunately, right after that happened the credits started rolling and everyone got up and started walking out. I don't remember anything else that happened besides the fact that the first thing I did when I got home was go to bed.

Jaime's POV
I think the night went well, but unfortunately I couldn't ask Scar or Grace about it because Grace fell asleep in the car and Scar was lost in her own thoughts. I'm sure they all hit it off pretty well. Since I was the only one in the house who was awake, I decided to start a group chat with the guys.

J: Hey dudes😀
V: what's up?
M: Hola.
T: hey
J: so I didn't get the chance to talk to the girls about tonight, but how do you guys think it went?
M: Honestly I could get use to having two girls around.
T: same
V: I can see why you like them so much.
M: yeah, right Tone we all know you have it in for Scar😏
J: you right, you right. I saw the way you looked at her, Tone.
T: so
V: so it's obvious.
T: yeah whatever
M: you're just mad bc we know
V: yeah Tone just admit it.
J: just be careful tho, she's like my sister
V: well I'm gonna hit the hay. Night dudes
M: night
J: night😴
M: so honestly Hime. I'm glad we met them.
J: me too
M: enjoy them guy. I'm going to bed. See ya

It's a good thing the guys liked them. As of right now, all is going well, especially my sleep. I was out like a light.

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