Chapter 28- plans and invites.

Start from the beginning

"Jun...let's...find somewhere...more comfortable." She gasped in between kisses and Jun roughly grabbed her thighs, lifting her up and walking her over to the sofa in the living room. Her hair perfectly set around her as Jun hovered over her, still seeing (f/n) below him. Suzume did it. Another man feeding out of her palm, begging for more. She grabbed Jun's head and smirked before pushing her lips on his once again in a heated kiss. Jun ran his hand down her curves and grunted when she teasingly bit his bottom lip. "So what are you planning to do with (f/n) right now?" Jun froze and his hands stopped their travelling on her body. The illusion of (f/n) beneath him fading away and saw Suzume there, laying on her back and panting at their actions before. He quickly pulled back and shook his head, getting off of the sofa and she sat up with a questioning look.

"Get out." He muttered and looked away from Suzume, but when she wouldn't move his voice rose to a shout, "get out!" The blonde haired female darted off the sofa and left the house, leaving Jun on his own to bury his face in his hands. His shoulders shook and an unknown emotion swept through him. How could he think about (f/n) in that situation? It was disgusting, he was ashamed of himself to think of such a thing. To him, lusting for a woman without loving her was terrible and cruel, something he did not believe in.


"Ah Hiro! This position is really hard!" (F/n) groaned and squeezed her eyes shut as her body shook, arching her back. Hiro's body was pressed against hers and he hovered over her face, his warm breath tickling her skin.

"Just hold still (f/n), I'm almost there!" He grunted and (f/n) felt like she couldn't stay in the position very long, since her limbs grew weak. She gritted her teeth together, trying to focus on not falling away from Hiro and balled her hands into fists. Finally the pink haired male placed his hand on a particular spot on the floor, just above her head. "There!"

"Right foot yellow!" Goro called out and (f/n) looked over to the male with wide eyes.

"Oh come on! I can't reach it like this!" She whined and Goro shook his head at the female.

"Rules are rules (f/n). You have to play twister properly! Now right foot yellow." He jokingly said and waved his hand dismissively. The exhausted woman growled as she shifted her foot towards the closest yellow spot, the newest position even more uncomfortable than the last. (F/n) heard Hiro's chuckle and looked up to see him staring down at her with eyes full of amusement, his face incredibly close to hers. Goro spun the arrow once more, announcing Hiro's next move "left hand blue." Hiro shifted down slightly and slipped his arm underneath the females back, placing his hand on the blue spot. His head was uncomfortably pressed against (f/n)'s chest. Suddenly the poor woman's arms gave out and she fell to the floor, hiro falling down with her. The two laughed and he quickly helped her up once he was on his feet. With a smile,  (F/n) glanced over to Hajime and saw him brighter than he was before. It was nice to see him smiling again, as if it were a natural thing like breathing. Of course she was a little confused as to why he suddenly opened up. But it did reveal how much he trusted her and that brought a smile to her face.

"Oh (f/n), I've been meaning to ask you something." Hiro caught (f/n)'s attention and suddenly grabbed her hand, tugging the female to his chest. The powder pink haired male kept his face close to hers and smirked at her blushing. "Would you like to come to my fathers Christmas party tomorrow?"

"Yeah sure!" (F/n) nodded and Hiro released her body, only to gently grab a chunk of her hair and let it slide through his fingers.

"I'll send someone over here to get you ready, it's not like most parties." He sighed and the female rose an eyebrow in questioning. Hajime suddenly flung an arm around (f/n)'s shoulders and bounced excitedly.

"It's basically an extravagant ball. I'm not fond of the people there but the food is great!" The red headed male announced in a loud voice, his arm still around (f/n)'s shoulders. Everyone looked at the female expectantly and she nodded her head once again, making Hiro and Hajime cheer. Goro however cracked a smile in her direction and crossed his arms. There was a sudden knock at the door and (f/n) rushed to open it, revealing Jun standing with his arms hanging stiffly by his sides. His red eyes were fixed on the female before him and thoughts of what happened with Suzume flowed into his mind. The male unconsciously looked down at her soft looking lips, his hand twitching to reach out and touch her. He immediately regretted his decision on coming to her apartment after what had happened. (F/n) gave him a welcoming smile which made it all worse, her warmth sending him crazy. He didn't know what to do. Jun had never been in this situation before.

"Jun? Helloooo! Anyone in there?" (F/n) waved a hand in front of his face and giggled when he blinked in a fast pace. His eyes showing that he returned to the real world. The female happily took a hold of his hand and dragged him into the apartment, sitting the male down with a simple commandment of a hand. "How are you?"

"Good." Jun replied, quick and sharp. His mind going on overdrive for what he should say next. His eyes roamed up and down the curves of her body, heart pounding with each slow glance. "You look good." He clamped his lips together, heart now going crazy. He didn't even know why he said that.

"Thank you Jun!" (F/n) accepted the complement and sat down next to the flustered male. His cheeks slowly warmed up and he gripped both hands together.

"Jun you okay?" Hiro spoke up and Jun quickly nodded his head. Hiro however, knew something was up and being the expert, he knew that it involved (f/n). A smirk grew on his lips as an idea formed in his head. He knew at least two people in the room were starting to develop feelings for this woman, so why now have a bit of fun with it? "Guys we should play a game!"

"What game?" Hajime sat down on the sofa, next to (f/n) and Hiro noticed the male leaning in slightly.

"It's called seven minutes in heaven." Hiro saw everyone's disapproval and chuckled at the sight.

"Hiro...really?" Goro sighed and slapped his palm to his forehead. An exasperated sigh huffing from his parted lips. "There is only one girl here!" Hiro's crossed his arms and cocked his head to the side, a phone in one of his hands.

"That can be taken care of!"





"girls just shut up." (F/n) spoke up and Hajime snorted in amusement whilst Jun smiled slightly. Hiro and Goro couldn't help but smile over to the female and Hiro kept in mind how Goro's features softened towards (f/n). Nothing was getting past the pink haired male now.

"You decide (f/n). I can call some of the women I work with, it wouldn't hurt to get to know new people." He said and waited for (f/n) to reply. She bit her lip, thinking for a few moments. All eyes were on her.

"Yeah sure...I guess it wouldn't hurt."

"Well lady and gentlemen...we are gonna play seven minutes in heaven!"

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