Chapter 26- Christmas cheer

Start from the beginning

"Daichi look how cool this jumper is!" She giggled as she pressed a button and little LED lights flashed different colours. "I've got you a Christmas jumper as well!" The female shoved a thick jumper into Daichi's hands and he held it up to get a better look. On the jumper was a penguin holding a sign saying 'merry Christmas!' And was wearing a red scarf. Daichi looked back at (f/n) and saw her watching him patiently with a twinkle in her eyes. The male rolled his eyes and pulled the jumper over his head, releasing a sigh when he rolled it down his body and then held his arms out.

"How do I look?" He chuckled and (f/n) happily clapped her hands.

"Amazing! Now let's get decorating!" She yelled and turned up the Christmas music on her radio.


Goro was sitting down in the kitchen, drinking a cup of coffee. But when the bitter liquid hit his tongue he pulled back back, wincing at the disgusting taste. He thought that the coffee would have turned his thoughts away from (f/n) but that completely failed. He knew Hiro had left the night before to seek the females forgiveness but had come back when Goro was asleep. So the black haired male waited for Hiro to come out of his room, which felt like a whole life time. It felt weird for Goro; once upon a time he wouldn't really care about matters related to (f/n) and he absolutely felt no positive feelings towards the female, he thought of her a nuisance. But now...he was nervously waiting to hear news if she had forgiven him. "I've reached a new low." He sighed and heard his phone buzz, the male immediately looked at the screen to see it was a message, but from an unknown number. Goro didn't bother opening the message and slumped in his chair whilst dropping his phone on the table. "Damn it, I'm really not liking her right now!" The male did not like the effect (f/n) had on him and took a large gulp of bad coffee to get rid of any thoughts. Suddenly someone walked into the kitchen and Goro bolted up onto his feet when he realised it was hiro. He waited for the pink haired male to say something but only received silence. "What did (f/n) say?" He tried to make his voice sound uninterested but worry engulfed his mind when Hiro remained silent with a serious expression.

"I performed this whole speech to her, hoping that she would accept the apology..." he trailed off and opened the fridge, pulling out a carton of orange juice. Goro already knew what he was gonna didn't work...she still hated the Angels. "And she did. She's not mad at us, but she's gonna live in her own apartment." Hiro twisted around only to find that Goro was gone and the distant sound of the front door slamming shut indicated that the male was off to see a certain female.

Goro had finally made it to her apartment and stood outside her door, for some reason unable to knock. He hesitantly raised his hand and bit his lip. What would he say to her? How would she even react? The male was strangely nervous and let out a loud groan of frustration, this isn't like him! Goro suddenly knocked on the door and his body tensed up as the door opened, he was thinking on what to say to (f/n) but instead of seeing her face, he saw the security guard. "(F/n)! Someone's here to see you." Daichi called out over his shoulder and then glared at Goro, however the purple eyed male returned the favour with a scowl. Why on earth would Daichi be at (f/n)'s this early in the morning, unless he slept round for the night? That thought didn't sit well for Goro and a muscle in his jaw feathered.

"Coming!" (F/n) skipped over to the door and smiled at the tall male. Goro couldn't help but snicker at her outfit and crossed his arms. "Hello Goro, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"It took you too long to forgive us, why is that?" He grunted and (f/n) rolled her eyes at his statement.

"Shut up Goro." She sighed and suddenly grabbed his wrist, "come in come in, you can help us with decorating!" Goro was suddenly dragged into the apartment and he immediately went blank faced at the overly festive surroundings, he wasn't too sure that the female needed any more decorations. It looked as if Christmas had been sick and vomited all over her apartment. His head suddenly hit into one of the paper chains hanging from the ceiling and he released a loud sigh whilst ducking down, but when he straightened he saw Daichi sitting down on the sofa, glaring at him.

"Hey (f/n)." Goro called out the the female and she appeared by his side. "Your dog is glaring at me." He smirked and Daichi scrunched up his nose in disapproval.

"Goro! Be nice, he's been my friend since we were kids." (F/n) hit the back of Goro's head, but the male was more focused on Daichi and his slightly detached expression.

"Oh...just friends huh?" Goro said in a smug voice and slumped down next to Daichi, an arm slung over the security guards shoulders. "Must be pretty hard, being around such an attractive woman for that long." He made sure to whisper so that (f/n) wouldn't hear and felt Daichi tense up.

"You're just saying that because you can relate, the only difference between us is that I've known her longer." Daichi's words took Goro by surprise and he pulled back with wide eyes, his body stiffened slightly and he quickly checked to see if (f/n) heard Daichi. The male released a sigh of relief when he saw her happily humming in the kitchen, mixing something in a bowl. His eyes softened when he saw her smiling brightly, he was still rather confused at her sudden change of attitude and noticed how she didn't talk about the time when she wasn't talking to the vigilante. It was as if it never happened. Goro quickly shook his head and snapped his attention back to Daichi.

"We have nothing in common, especially when it comes to (f/n)." Goro growled and crossed his arms whilst looking away from Daichi.

"you know what, you're right. I'm the one who has a better chance with her, so we really do have nothing in common when it comes to (f/n)." Daichi smirked and pulled himself off of the sofa, walking into the kitchen and placed a hand on the females shoulder. She looked around and smiled warmly at the grey haired male, the two looked extremely close from an outsiders view. It was clear to Goro that Daichi had a better chance, well a chance that he wasn't really looking for. That was what he kept on telling himself, but seeing (f/n) smiling and laughing with that guy...made Goro very agitated. He didn't like the woman in that way but he couldn't exactly explain why he was feeling this way. He let out a loud frustrated growl and walked into the kitchen, putting on an act of tough guy with his eyes locked onto (f/n).

"Goro, you gonna help make some cookies with me!" (f/n) suddenly pulled him next to her and pointed to the recipe within the open book in front of the pair. "Daichi I need you to put the lights up outside and on the balcony." The male let out a groan and moved to walk out of the kitchen but shot Goro a glare before he left. The black haired male smirked at Daichi and took a step closer to (f/n)'s side.

"(F/n)?" Goro said in a questioning voice and caught the females attention. "I'm pretty sure that we both want to keep the past behind us but...why are you suddenly so welcoming? The way you was acting before made it seem like you was never going to forgive us."

"Yeah well...even though you guys did keep me around because of the mask, I feel like your view on me has...changed. I'm a friend, aren't I?" (F/n) placed the bowl of dough down and looked up at Goro with her innocent (e/c) eyes. The male stiffened in her gaze and his eyes, that once picked out every imperfection, noticed every perfection. Her skin looked soft to touch and her eyes held a kind of beauty he had not seen in any other woman. Unconsciously, his hand tucked a strand of her hair behind the females ear and his once naturally angry looking face softened into a small but warm smile.

"'re our friend." He whispered and noticed how close the pair were. "But the thing is...don't you want any of the guys to look at you more than a friend?" Goro's question took (f/n) off guard and she felt her cheeks burn up.

"W-what no!" She bleated and turned her face away from Goro, but his hand gently gripped onto her chin and pulled it so she was staring deep into his purple eyes. Their faces were so close that the female could feel his hot breath, sending her heart on a rampage. "Goro you're t-too close!"

"So I have no competition then?" His voice was serious and (f/n) froze up when he gently ran his thumb over her bottom lip whilst his eyes were following his the movement. A small smirk tugged at one corner of his lips and he huffed in amusement. "You're all mine then."

"Goro." (F/n) had no words and could only whisper his name, her heart slammed against her chest and she felt a surge of excitement run down her spine. Something about being in this position made her embarrassed as well as amazed. She had never expected Goro to be like this. The male slowly leaned in and she closed her eyes, waiting for the feeling of his lips. Were they as soft as they looked? Is he a good kisser? But the kiss never came and she opened one eye to see Goro widely grinning and watching her with an amused expression.

"Tricked ya " he chuckled and pulled away. "Right let's get back to the cookies!"


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