Niam one shot

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The boys had just finished the o2 arena concert and were headed back to the bus.

As they piled on they all took a seat in the front to talk and joke off about the funny stuff at the concert that night.

"I can't believe you slipped on that bra, Liam" Louis yelled making the whole bus uproar in laughter

"I didn't see it there" Liam defended himself as the bus laughed harder

The conversations continued on through the night as the bus headed for the next arena.

"What time is it?" Harry asked

"2:12" Niall said putting his phone back into his pocket resting a hand on Liam's knee

"I'm gonna go lay down" Liam mumbled getting up to walk to the bunk room

"Your not gonna stay up with us Payno!?" Louis shouted

"No, I have a headache" he informed quietly walking out of sight

The boys shrugged continuing their conversations as Niall kept looking worriedly toward where Liam had walked off just minutes ago.

After about an hour of hectic yelling and laughing Niall decided he would go back to check on Liam and probably fall asleep himself.

"I'm gonna go check on Liam" Niall announced walking off before any of the boys could say anything

Niall was actually quite concerned about Liam......


Niall quietly pulled open Liam's curtain resting a hand on his shoulder.

"Liam......babe wake up" Niall whispered in his cute irish accent that was to die for:)

Liam rolled around for a second before opening his eyes to see Niall standing there.

"What?" He asked

"Are you okay? You said you had a headache" Niall asked concerned for his boyfriend that everybody outside of One Direction didn't know about

"Yeah, I just need some sleep I think" Liam whispered under his breath

"Do you want some pain killers or water?" Niall asked wanting to do anything to make him feel better

"No, I already took some when I came back" Liam answered

"Oh okay" Niall said nodding

"Well, I'm gonna go to sleep. Wake me if you need anything or your headache gets worse okay?" Niall asked

Liam nodded thanking Niall for his concern.

Niall stripped down hopping into his bunk before closing the curtain letting his eyes close for the night.


Niall woke up sometime during the night. He didn't really know what it was until he heard the same sound again.

A sob.

Niall furrowed his eyebrows in confusion listening carefully for the sound again.

Moments later the same sob came followed by a sniffle.

Niall couldn't think about who it could be? He didn't know why someone would be crying at 5:00 in the morning.

He was pulled out of his thoughts by a small voice," Niall..." The voice whimpered

His curtain was pulled back and Liam stood in just his boxers tears covering his face:(

"Oh my gosh... Liam what happened?" Niall frantically whispered sitting up on his elbows to get a better look at Liam

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