Once lunch was finished me and Seb were called to do our next scene, it was one of the harder ones when sebs character is really struggling with his condition. I take my position in the bedroom set while Seb has his hair ruffled up some more by the make-up artists. Once ready Seb moves into position and I take a quick glance behind me to see Chris watching on eagerly, the director shouts action and the scene begins. I wait a few moments before rushing into the room at sebs crying, I kneel beside him trying to calm him "hey jake, shhh don't listen to them listen to my voice okay jake" I whisper trying to hold back my own tears "they won't shut up!" he stutters "they want me dead" he cries rocking back and forth on the bed. I try to move away his hands that were covering his face "jake shh listen to me, nobody wants you dead, people love you, I love you please jake listen to me" I beg tears now falling. Seb fights my actions and jerks his hands away screaming "NO!" he shouts right in my face "YOU'RE LYING! YOU'RE JUST LIKE THEM!" I move my hand to touch his cheek in an attempt to calm me down but he fight back ultimately stage slapping me. I hold my cheek and look at him in fear, before running out of the room and out of the scene. "CUT that was great, nailed it in one guys" the director calls, I wipe away the tears on my cheek and turn to look at a very shocked Chris. I smile and walk over to him "how was that?" I ask, he just stands there for a moment mouth open "that was terrifying, are you okay? You didn't actually get slapped did you?" he asks now concerned. I shake my head making him relax slightly "no, no contact was made don't worry. That was one of the worst scenes, the character jake just had an acute relapse which is why it's so severe" I explain "Seb is amazing at it though isn't he, I mean he did actually scare me when he shouted in my face". Chris just nods looking slightly concerned again now "Chris I know that face, I'm fine I know it's hard to watch but honestly I'm fine" I say taking his hand "look feel how calm I am" I pull his hand up to my heart which was beating normally, I watch as his face begins to relax. "now I have to do to follow up scene with judi so I'll talk to you in a bit okay?" I say giving him a quick kiss, he nods and smiles watching as I go.

The scene with judi was fairly simple as it just follows the scene we just did, before we started rolling i was having some make-up put on my cheek to show the impact of the slap. I once ready I make myself begin to cry again and hold my cheek before rushing through the house to the front door, "sarah what happened? What's wrong?" judi asks when she sees me. I turn back round to face her "he's having a relapse, he think I want him dead and when I tried to comfort him he...he" I stutter through the tears, "did he hit you?" she asks worriedly. I lower my hand from my face to show the mark nodding through the tears "oh sarah I'm so sorry, you know he didn't mean it" judi say approaching me to look at my cheek better. "he needs you more than ever now" she says placing a hand on my arm, I bite my lower lip to try and stop the tears "I'm sorry, I can't... I want to but I just can't" I cry moving out of her grasp. I turn and run to the door turning back around before leaving "tell him I'm sorry" I cry before opening the door and leaving. "great work once again you guys, you are on a roll, we'll probably be finished early today if we carry on like this" the director calls happily. I walk over to Chris who was standing with Seb watching the scene "fucking hell (Y/N), why so many emotional scenes?" he says pulling me into a hug "its killing me watching you like this", I laugh slightly into his chest "thanks for the concern gorgeous but you know it's all acting as scary as it is" I smile pulling away to look at him. He reached to my face and rubs away a stray tear "I know, doesn't make it any easier though" he sighs I reach up and poke my fingers at the corner of his mouth pushing his lips into a smile "hey turn that frown upside down, remember we're going to Disneyworld tomorrow and I can't wait!" I smile. He happily smiles down at me "yeah me neither".

Chris' POV

When I woke up I instantly smiled at the feeling of (Y/N) curled up in my arms. we were facing each other her face against my bare chest my head resting above hers as my arms were wrapped tightly around her to make up from the night we missed while apart. I aimlessly start playing with a strand of her, careful not to wake her. While twirling her hair in and around my fingers I let my mind wander to the thoughts of our wedding, we have had a few discussion about it but nothing set in stone, much to scarletts disapproval. I had started to think about who my groomsmen would be, obviously scott would be my best man but the guys from marvel had become so much like a family I don't think I would be able to choose from all of them. I was so lost in thought I didn't even feel (Y/N) begin to stir until I felt her hand on my cheek "what you thinking about?" she asks softly as her thumb rubs my cheek gently. "oh didn't realise you were awake, how did you know I was thinking?" I ask looking down into her bright (E/C) eyes, "you had your thinking face on" she chuckles smiling up at me. I raise a brow at her "my thinking face? I don't have a thinking face" I say, she nods her head at me "yes you do, no denying it. so going back to my original question. What were you thinking about" she says. I adjust myself slightly so I was on my back before pulling (Y/N) back so she could rest her head on my chest "our wedding, and who out of the marvel guys would be my groomsmen" I sigh slightly. She nuzzles herself more into my chest "well who instantly comes to mind?" she asks, I shrug my shoulders "well obviously Seb and Mackie, Chris has to be one as well. And can't forget RDJ" I say "and scott will defiantly be my best man". (Y/N) nods her head "sounds like a good group" she moves her head to smile up at me, "have you had any thoughts about who you want your bridesmaids to be?" I ask her. She smiles and nods "yeah I would like Scarlett to be my maid of honour, and the others would be lizzie, carly and shanna" she says, I instantly smile more down at her "you want carly and shanna to be your bridesmaids?" I ask, she smiles and nods. I was so happy that she wanted my sisters to be part of this wedding, "but I have 5, and you only have 4" I realise. She smiles up at me "I'm sure it'll work out, but if we want all of the guys to be there we better set aside a date so they can have their schedules free". I nod in agreement "when do you want it?" I ask, "well I always liked the idea of a june wedding, but we need to find somewhere to get married first and see if they have a date free in june" (Y/N) explains. "well how about as soon as this movie is done, you and me go out and find us a venue and in the meantime tell the cast to keep june as free as possible" I suggest, (Y/N) nods her head in agreement "deal" she smiles. I was about to say something else when I hear a knock on the door, "I'll get it" I smile kissing (Y/N) on the forehead before getting up and grabbing a t-shirt on my way to the door. When I open it I see Seb standing there "how are you not ready, its Disneyworld c'mon" Seb sighs "okay you two get changed while I'll make breakfast okay?" Seb suggests. "dude it's still quite early, we agreed to meet later" I sigh letting him in "oh I know but (Y/N) woke me up early yesterday so I thought I would get her back" Seb smirks. I shake my head a chuckle "well didn't really work, me and (Y/N) have been up for a while now just chatting" I tell him, he drops his head in defeat "well either way I've got breakfast just go get dressed" he says pushing me back towards the bedroom.

We arrived at Disney and walked straight towards the castle taking picture as we went, when we saw characters we did go over for a photo. The first character we did see was mickey mouse and of course we had to go over to have a picture, Seb was more than happy to take one before another member of staff took one of all of us. Me and (Y/N) decided we would try to get a picture with ariel and ask for a video message from her stella. We walked around the park eventually going to the marvel attraction, it was quite funny seeing the Disney cast playing our characters. (Y/N)'s character wasn't there unfortunately but we were told that they were trying to get one. Me and (Y/N) did take a photo with my double, her in between me and the worker looking confused. Afterwards the staff at Disney asked us if we could do a whole group photo with all the avengers characters before we left, me and Seb stood next to our characters and (Y/N) was next to me as the photo was taken. We then spent the rest of the day going on rides, a highlight was meeting peter pan. When he saw us he literally ran over "Cap what you doing? Why are you in disguise?" he ask in a slightly hushed tone, I can't help but laugh "day off?" I say shrugging my shoulders. "then why isn't jen in disguise?" he asks pointing over to (Y/N), she just shrugs her shoulders laughing. Peter then glances over to Seb and proceeds to do a double take "BUCKY! WHERE'S ALL YOUR HAIR GONE! ITS ALL SHORT!" he gasps going to reach out for sebs hair. Seb ducks out the way slightly "well its hard having long hair all the time you know" he explain, "no I don't know, I have short hair" peter states pointing to his hair. Peter does then turn back to me and (Y/N) and points at the both of us "so are you guys is loovee?" he ask raising a brow, (Y/N) nods "yeah, what about you and wendy? Are you in love?" she asks. peter shakes his head and sticks his tongue out "no, I don't really have time for love, but maybe I don't know plus there's tink" he says, "so bit of a love triangle then?" (Y/N) smiles. Peter nods enthusiastically "yeah!.... what's a love triangle?"

It was getting close to the end of the day at Disney, I was slightly disappointed because we didn't see ariel and couldn't get a video message for stella. "I'm sure stella won't mind that we didn't get the video" (Y/N) says rubbing my hand with her thumb gently, "yeah, I guess but I just know how much her face would have lit up when she saw the video" I sigh. We were approaching the exit when by pure luck ariel just happened to be walking past, taking the opportunity I grab her attention "hi ariel, my niece stella loves you and I was wondering if you could say something in a video message to her?" I ask. she smiles and nods eagerly "sure stella did you say?" she asks, "yeah" (Y/N) smiles, I pass her my phone and she begins to say her message "Hi stella, so happy to find out that I'm one of your favourite princesses, hope I get to meet you someday so we can be best friends. Also I betcha already know this but you have the best uncle and auntie in the world and I'm so happy they came over to say hello and tell me about you" ariel say, I glance over at (Y/N) and see her blushing yet smiling happily when she got called an auntie. Ariel passes the phone back to me and both me, (Y/N) and Seb take a photo with ariel, "thanks so much" I smile. "oh no its my pleasure, hope you had a nice visit, better pop off and find out when my prince has gotten too." Ariel says waving goodbye. I smile down at (Y/N) "stella is going to love this" I say retaking her hand in mine "she does have the best uncle in the world" (Y/N) smile back at me, "and the best auntie" I reply leaning down to kiss her softly. "guys, there's little eyes around! Now c'mon I'm hungry and tired so let's go" Seb whines, I chuckle at him "well (Y/N) when we do have our own kids we can say we've been pretty well trained between the kids and this one" i say pointing to Seb.


Starring with Chris Evans- Chris Evans x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz