No way! Are you crazy?

I'm not! Lol! I just hate cold weather.

Well, we won't invite you over next time.

Haha! I don't think I am allowed to go with you guys, so...

She was right, men in the Emirati culture are not supposed to hang out with women that are not in their direct family, especially if you were a member of the ruling family. Sheikh Mohammed had made it very clear to all of his children that it was also their duty to keep up with the tradition and to be a true example of how young Muslims should behave.

We'll have to come to you then. I'll bring Hammed to the stables but he says that Rooster has to be there.

Deal! Let me know when you guys are stopping by and I'll bring Rooster.

She sent a picture of Rooster sitting on the kitchen floor.

My best friend says woof!

He was smiling looking at the pic when his brother Ahmed nudged at him.

"You have to put that phone away and listen to this story, it is so good," Ahmed cleared his throat and raised his voice. "So, we were deployed in Yemen..."

Hamdan put the phone in the pocket of his puffer jacket and tried to pay attention to Ahmed's army story.


Princesa was trotting on the track with Sarah on her back and Rooster by their side, her earbuds on as usual. Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a black car on the other side of the track's fence.

"Sarah!" Yelled Hammed with his head out of the car. He was on Hamdan's lap, who was driving and Saeed Hilal was on the passenger seat.

"Hey!" She made Princesa slow down until horse and car came to a complete stop. "How are you guys?" She waved and bent over to see who else was in the car. "Hello Saeed!" The bodyguard waved back.

"Good, how are you?" Replied Hamdan with a big smile on his face. It had been awhile since he last saw her and scrolling through her Instagram over and over again was not enough.

"Good. We're happy you guys are visiting." She said, looking down at Rooster wagging his tail. "Do you want to ride?" She asked Hammed.

"Yes!" The little boy shouted with both hands in the air.

"Come on," she said, stretching her arms to pull Mohammed out of the car and into the horse. "God! You're heavy!"

Hamdan and Saeed stayed in the car looking at them as Princesa trotted in circles. Hammed was smiling big and every now and then Sarah laughed at his witty remarks.

"I think Hammed likes her," said Saeed.

"What's not to like?" Replied Hamdan without thinking.

Both men looked at each other. Hamdan had panic on his eyes, his mouth was opened but nothing came out.

"You don't have to keep secrets from me," Saeed reassured.

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