Chapter 10

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My parents left early in the morning because they had some important meeting so I'm just rest in peace without my mom jumping into my room. I'm only going rest for 5 minutes then I'll getting up.

Half Hour Later.

I opened my eyes and looked at the time.

7:50 a.m.

"Oh its only 7:50." I mumbled and closed my eyes.

"7:50!" I screamed, jumping out of my bed like a ninja.

I ran into the bathroom and brushed my teeth really fast. Then ran into my closet for an outfit.

"Not again!" I cried out as I threw on a black top, skinny jeans, sneakers, and a jacket. I pushed my hair into a bun, not bothering to comb it.

I ran downstairs and out the door. I practically ran to school, stopping every minute to breath. I really need to start exercising.

I reached the school and around until I managed to find a door open in the back.

"I'm here!" I sighed in relief and collapsed on the floor.

"Mother lover." I cursed as I realized that even though I was here, I forgot my school bag at home.

Lunch Time.

Gosh I felt so exhausted and sleepy. Why did I even come to school? Maybe to see Preston.

At the thought of him, I brightened up and walked to the cafeteria.

I opened the double doors and entered the noisy cafeteria. I saw Bruce and Lexi at the table, but no sign of Preston.

"Hey guys. Have you seen Preston?" I said, sitting down next to Lexi.

"Nope." She said, hugging me.

"How was your day?" Bruce asked, handing me my lunch.

Bruce thought I shouldn't have to stand in the line for my food so he made it his propriety to get it for me.

"Thank you and it was exhausting. I woke up late and practically ran to school and I didn't even bring my bag. Can you believe that!" I complained,

"I would love to see you running." Lexi said laughing,

"Shut up." I pouted,

We spent the rest of the lunch talking and laughing. When we finished, we walked around the halls hoping to see Preston.

"Hey, isn't that Preston." Lexi said, pointing ahead.

I brightened up to his name and eagerly looked up to see him making out with the same girl that told me to stay away from him.

My smile disappeared and I felt my heart tighten. I saw everything go in slow motion. He gazed up and looked at me. I looked at the girl and she was smirking evilly at me. I looked back at him and he had a broken and guilty expression. I looked away and ran off in the other direction away from them.

I heard Bruce and Lexi call my name, but I ignored them and ran out the school. I looked to my right to the woods. I ran in hoping they won't find me there.

I didn't stop running, I just kept going, speeding up everytime I felt myself tear up. I need a cold shower, but I couldn't because I wasn't home so I used the next best thing. I ran until I felt my legs ached and my lungs beg for air. I stumbled and tripped as I ran, but didn't stop.

What was I thinking? Its not like he's my boyfriend. We made no commitment. So why am i still running. I tried to stop, but couldn't well that was until I tripped over a root sprouting from the ground.

I fell onto the dirty ground and felt all kinds of pains run through my body all at once.

Tears finally came down like heavy rain and a sob escaped my lips. I felt like I couldn't breathe.
It was like I was paralyzed.

My vision started to darken and I didn't bother to try to breathe.

I felt myself being picked up and leaned against something hard. It smelled good and exotic. I curled up closer to it and felt comfortable with its warmth.

Maybe it's a bear. Hopefully this bear takes me away from Preston.

I think this is like the most heart breaking chapter other than the one that I wrote in 'The Mafia's Lover'. I felt like my own heart broke to this. And yes I know it's kinda short.

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