Chapter 23

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It was everywhere.

I moaned out and I instantly felt the hard wooden ground underneath me.

I rolled onto my back and slowly opened my eyes.

I wasn't blinded by extreme light, but I was met with some type of doll figure hanging from a short roof.

"Ah, you're awake my child." A voice said from beside me.

I turned a to my side and saw an old woman. She had blue hair and velvet color eyes. She looked like a fairy to me.

"Where am I? Who are you?" I asked and sat up.

My clothes were dirty and my hair was in a tangled mess with dirt on one side.

I ran my hand over it in disgust and patted the dirt off of me.

"Well, I brought you to my home. With the help of my son and daughter of course." She said, smiling at me and then gestured to someone in the room.

I looked over and saw identical twins sitting down at a table with headphones in their ears whole they played on their phone.

They both had short golden hair and the girl seemed slightly short than the boy.

The old woman clapped her hamd s and they both immediately looked up.

I was met with two bright blue eyes that looked innocent.

"The girl is Tove and the boy is Jai. I have another, but she's only two and currently sleeping. Her name is Amelia." She said,

"And I am Alesso. A Witch." She said, smiling and looked proud of her title.

"My children are Nekos. I'm so proud of them. The goddess sent them to me when they were just little infants." She said, looking at them with adoration.

"Alesso, Ma'am. You seem like a lovely woman, but why did you kidnap me?" I asked,

"Oh yes that! I'm sorry for that. I just needed to talk to you without your bodyguards." She said, walking over to me and helped me off the floor.

"I'm sorry that you had to wake up on the floor, but we sadly only have one bed and its currently occupied by their baby sister." She apologized,

"Its ok." I said, brushing it off.

I didn't seem worried being her even though she did kidnap me. Maybe I should call Preston to tell him that alright. I'm sure he's panicking at the moment.

"So what is it that you wanted talk to me about?" I asked as we both sat on a small bench.

"Well, as you know the council wants to stop the mating of humans and wolves. Well, I have had a premonition." She said,

"There will be war, but it can be stopped." She grinned and I felt relief wash over me.

Then that means that Preston wouldn't have to fight and possibly get hurt. Also no one from the pack will get hurt.

"Ok, but what stops the war?" I asked,

"You." She blatantly stated,

I blink once, then two times. Me? Did I hear that right?

"Excuse me?" I said,

"You stop the council from attacking." She continued on,

"No, I can't. I'm just a human. They could snap my neck in half without me even realizing. How on earth am I suppose to some council that have been in charge for thousands of years?" I asked slightly raising my voice, but brought back down.

"I know its a lot to take in, but that's where I come in." She said,

"I'm going to give a gift. I was going to ask permission from your mate and alpha, but I know they would reject the idea and would probably shoot me down the minute I step foot into their territory." She said, rolling her eyes.

"What kind of gift?" I asked curious,

"To be able to turn into a neko." She said,

I knew what nekos were and I found them cute, but how was I going turn me into that.

"I have two questions. What difference is me becoming a Nekon have to do with me stopping the council and two, how are you going to turn me?" I asked,

"Well, I plan to travel to a bunch of packs and offer human Luna's a chance to become Nekos. They won't be weak and vulnerable anymore and all I have to do is inject it into you." She explained,

"Ok, maybe I could help you with that. I could try to convince Preston in letting me help you." I offered,

"Thank you. It would a while lot easier if a Luna helped me. They all think that all witches are bad, but we're not. Why let the wronging of one label the others the same." She said sadly,

I rested my hand on her shoulder for comfort. She smiled up at me and I just knew that thee nothing evil about her. She is like an angel sent from above to protect those down here.

"Will you like to be transformed now?" She asked,

I nodded my head without a moment of hesitation.

She got up and walked to some cabinets. She shuffled through them and took a needle with some type of black substance.

"Don't worry. This is black blood that I took from Tove since she's a girl. I should tell you that once this is in your system, it will turn your blood black. You won't ever be harmed because the black blood is impossible to destroy and it will protect you from ever bleeding." She explained as she sat back next to me.

"Ok." I said, smiling nervously at her.

"Don't worry my child. It'll be alright. Trust me." She said,

I offered my arm and she cleaned a spot with alcohol.

"Ready?" She asked,

I nodded my head and turned away so I wouldn't have to look.

I took a deep breath and felt the penetration.

It pinched and I felt my belly turn as the black blood began its course through my blood.

Alesso pulled out the needle and put a bandage in its place.

"There done. Now you must rest so that the blood can do its full effect. When you wake up, the world will be completely different. Your senses will be sharper and you will want your mate more than ever, but you must fight it for the mean time." She explained and rested the now empty needle on the table.

I nodded my head and Alesso got up. I made myself comfortable on the bench and closed my eyes.

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