Chapter 37

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The morning after did not feel like an impending doom. It felt as though we were all on vacation having the time of our lives.

I untangled myself from Preston's naked body and he groaned reaching for me. Quickly, I placed a pillow in my place and I smiled as he hugged tightly.

The shower felt like heaven on my skin and I took my time scrubbing myself of last night's activities.

After we left the garden, Preston and I thoroughly expressed our love for each other through our bodies and I was not the least bit upset. Instead I felt refreshed and ready for the day and this one no doubt would be a long one.

I got dressed in some dark blue jeans that hugged my body and a cream sweater with a white tank top underneath. My hair seem tamable so I combed it out and tied in a ponytail. I took some black boots and shoved my feet into them.

Preston was still sleeping so I placed a kiss on his forehead and walked out the bedroom.

Mom and dad were in the kitchen which took me a bit to find.

Dad was clutching his temple while cradling a cup of coffee.

"Good morning." I chirped brightly, kissing his cheek.

Dad groaned and shook his head which made him groan even more.

"Too much shots and excessive activity. Drake forgot he's not as young as he used to be." Mom stated and I snickered, accepting a plate of food.

"Screw the both you. I'm not even in my forties yet." Dad scoffed, glaring at us.

We both laughed and moved to the dining room where Levi and Bruce were already eating.

"Hey." I greeted them and sat down as they greeted me back.

"Had fun last night?" Levi chuckled, wiggling her eyebrows.

I blushed, looking away making them laugh.

Everyone slowly came down to eat until finally everyone was sitting at the dining table. Micheal got up, looking like hell just as my dad and cleared his throat.

"The Council should be arriving soon so we need to prepare ourselves for whatever may happen." Micheal announced,

Everyone became quiet remembering their true purpose for this trip.

"Alexandru, has set a place we will all gather and meet with them so we'll be heading there shortly." He added and everyone got up to get ready.

I followed Preston back to the room and he was very tense and quiet as he changed his clothes.

"Preston." I mumbled, grabbing his arm.

He turned and pulled me into a tight hug, kissing my forehead.

"We'll be alright love. I promise." He whispered,

I nodded my head and we walked out the room.

Everyone was already outside waiting when out of no where Alesso appeared after disappearing yesterday.

"I see everyone is all prepared for this impending meeting and I'm glad you had fun last night though. I'm sorry I didn't spend any time with you, but I'm quite the shy and conservative person." She said,

"Its Alesso. I thought of you many times." I said, smiling at her.

"I was normal once, a human and I used to enjoy baking and making sweet things and its been a long time since I've made anything, but the butler allowed me to borrow an extra kitchen and so I made my favorite guava-pineapple juice and I wanted everyone to have a taste. In case this might be our last day alive." She said, laughing lightly.

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