Chapter 38

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The three of them fell in slow motion and Mila and I couldn't fast enough to our mates.

My heart was pounding in my head and my breathing stopped as I reached Preston.

He was coughing up blood, staring at my face as I placed his head on my lap.

"Please, don't die! Preston please stay with me. D-D-Don't close your eyes." I sobbed my hands trembling uncontrollably.

I briefly glanced up to see Keiji clutching to Mila and thankfully not hurt.

"Shit! That hurts a lot." Preston groaned, shifting slightly.

"Don't talk! Save your energy." I frantically said,

Preston groaned, looking up at me. The jerk had the nerve to smile despite being shot and close to death in my arms.

"I'm glad." He weekly stated, his face already turning pale.

He raised his shaking hand and placed it on my cheek. Tears blurred my eyes and felt almost in shock about what was happening.

"I'm glad that it's in your arms that I'm dying in. I love you so much and I'm so sorry that I'll have to leave you so soon." He hoarsely said,

I sobbed, pulling him closer while shaking my head.

"Liar... I won't forgive you if you die like this! I want to slap so bad right now." I choked out,

Preston chuckled, but groaned right after.

"I love you, Liyla." He softly said his words making me cry harder.

No no no no no no! This isn't happening. Preston is not dying in my arms. He's not leaving me on my own. He can't!

Preston grew quiet and I felt his body go slack in my arms.

I blinked the tears from my eyes and looked down at him. His eyes were closed and his face was completely pale.

"No, Preston please." I quivered,

He didn't answer though. For some reason he looked peaceful as if he was taking the most amazing nap of his life.

"Sweetie." My mom slowly wrapped her arms around me and pulled me to her.

"M-Mom." I sobbed into her chest while she cradled me in her arms.

"You'll be alright, Liyla. You're a strong girl." She whispered, stroking my hair.

"It's about time one of you died." Myrtle suddenly scoffed,

I looked up to see her hovering over Dad's and Micheal's unconscious body.

Her duplicate was fighting against Nicole and Lexi while everyone was on the ground from exhaustion.

Myrtle slowly approached us and Mom hugged me tighter.

"Alesso, how long do you plan on staying on the sidelines." Myrtle said,

Alesso stepped from the statue where she was hiding behind of since the beginning.

"I was never on the sidelines." Alesso replied coolly her gaze falling on us briefly.

"Liyla, I believe it was Alesso who transformed you." Myrtle said,

I couldn't- wouldn't respond so I looked away instead.

"Did she ever tell you?" Myrtle asked,

"There are actually five council members. The fifth left, not wanting any part in the greater plan, but still put in her play." Myrtle scoffed,

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