Chapter 24

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1 Month Later

I ran my hand through my hair furiously and tugged on it.

I still haven't found Liyla and I can't sense her. The entire pack and Alexandru has been helping to search for her. We have looked and are still looking for over a month. We had gotten an anonymous letter from someone saying that Liyla was safe and that they would return her soon.

We haven't had any encounters with the council and we've accused them many times.

I was now in my office sitting at my chair. It was the only thing not broken. My desk was thrown over, the couches were broken in half, portraits were stripped and were on the floor, and my computer and desk supplies were thrown out the window.

The door opened and my mom entered.

"Oh my goddess! Preston what did you do to your office!" She screamed,

"I want my mate." I yelled and she ran out the room closing the door after her.

"Let's go find our mate... again." Colton growled and I agreed.

Colten and I have been looking for Liyla on our own and we found some of her decent around outside our territory.

I had asked the neighboring pack to enter and found even more scents of her.

I got off the chair and walked out the office. I didn't bother taking off my clothes as I shifted into my wolf.

I rant through the woods in search for my mate.


I woke up to my stomach growling.

I groaned and turned over. I opened my eyes to see the I was in the little make shift house.

I looked over to see Alesso cleaning around and Tove and Jai helping.

I sat up and Alesso looked over at me.

"Oh, great! You're awake!" Alesso said and rushed over to me.

"How long have I been asleep?" I ask,

"A month." Alesso says,

"What! W-W-Does Preston knows?" I asked,

"Don't worry. I've sent a letter to the pack saying that you were ok and that you will be back in no time. Now you need to see your transformation." Alesso explained, patting my hand.

I got off the bench and walked over to a small oval mirror.

My eyes widened at the sight.

My eyes were brown, but mixed with orange, I had furry orange ears poking out my curly hair that wasn't curly before, my skin seemed bright for my caramel skin tone, and I seemed different so many other ways.

"Wow." I said completely amazed.

"Yes, I know." Tove said, speaking for the first time.

"Its cool and strange in the beginning, but you'll get used to it." Jai also spoke.

"Hi, I'm Liyla." I introduced myself,

They each smiled at me and they both really looked alike.

"We're sorry for not speaking earlier. Alesso just wanted to explain everything." Jai stated,

"Oh, I'm so glad to have someone other than my brother as a neko!" Tove exclaimed, attacking me into a hug.

"Yeah." I said, laughing with her.

"I want to go see Preston. I miss him and I want him." I said, turning to Alesso.

She held a dark blue hood that reached the floor and seemed to be made of fine silk.

"Yes, I know darling." She said,

I turned around and she tied the hood over my shoulder.

"Liyla, can you do me a favor, please?" She asked and I nodded my head.

"Of course. Anything." I said eithoit hesitation.

"I'm not accepted by other creatures. To everyone else, witches are evil and vile. Would you take Tove, Jai, and Amelia with you and accept them into your pack?" She asked,

I nodded my head and she pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you, Liyla." She whispered and tightened her arms around me.

We pulled away and she went to get Amelia.

I never got to see how Amelia looked, but I was excited. I just loved babies.

She walked out with a plum baby. She seemed to be to 2 years old. She had light brown hair that was pulled into a pontytail, warm chocolate eyes, and she had on a light beige coat and Alesso held a small hat for her.

"Liyla, I want you to have Amelia and take her as your daughter. I know you're young and still unexperienced, but I want the most special person to love Amelia." Alesso said,

I picked Amelia up and she stared at me. I smiled at her and she sooned followed.

"I love her already." I said, looking at Alesso.

"Ok, you should get going. Jai knows how to get to your pack and once you cross patrols should be there and they'll recongize you." Alesso explained,

Jai and Tove slipped hoods except Jai's own was black and Tove's own was dark purple.

"Thank you, Alesso. I hope to see you soon." I said,

We said all said goodbye to each other and when we stepped out and I silently gasped.

It was snowing. I've been asleep for so long that December rolled in.

We walked through the fresh fallen snow leaving tracks.

We've been walking for what seemed to be hours talking to each other. We each learned things about each other.

"We're close to the territory." Jai said,

We walked faster hoping to get out of the cold sooner.

Amelia was asleep on my shoulder with her small plum arms around my neck.

I felt strange as we neared the border. I felt as if I was getting closer to something that was mine.

I walked faster and without knowing it crossed the border.

"Liyla! Wait!" Jai yelled after me, but it was too late.

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