Chapter 6

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7:45 a.m

"Holy mother of cheese!" I screeched, jumping out of bed.

"Urgh, I'm late! I'm late." I cried,

I didn't bother shower and quickly brushed my teeth and got dressed. I threw on a blue sweater, white shorts, and blue ballerina shoes. I didn't bother with make up and put my hair in a messy bun, without combing it.

The doors to the school closed at eight and it was pretty close to eight so I had hurry up before I got in trouble.

"Dad! We're lat-" My words died off at the sight of my dad in a disheveled matter as he thundered the stairs.

"Fuck fuck fuck! We overslept!" He cursed as he grabbed my hand and yanked me out the house.

I have never seen my dad drive over the speed limit in my life, but today was except as he sped through the street and pulled to a hard stop in front of the school.

"Thanks dad!" I yelled out even though I was already for the school doors.

There was a staff member already there about to close the door and I managed to just get through.

Letting an air of relief, I leaned against the wall before straightening up and walked to my class. Good thing the teacher wasn't here yet.

After a few minutes later, Ryder walked in and sat next to me. He looked like his usually nerdy self.

"Hey cupcake. How's it going?" He asked, smiling at me.

I groaned and leaned back, telling him of late I was.

"Well it's ok now." He said, laughing and finding amusement in my story.

The teacher entered and started to teach and we both paid attention.

Lunch Time.

I walked out my last class for the morning and headed to the cafeteria.

I haven't seen Preston so far, so I think he isn't here today. Emotions began to bubble in my chest at the thought of him, but I shook my head.

Why did I always get so giddy at the thought of him?

My thoughts were so far away that I didn't notice someone approach me. The girl stood in front of me with her hands on her hips and two other girls behind her.

I gave her a curious look as she simply glared at me.

"Umm..." I mumbled, looking around saw people walking away.

Should I walk away too?

"Look, I'm gonna make this quick because I don't like nerds." The girl suddenly said, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"Stay away from my man." She said, narrowing her eyes at me.

"Can you please be more specific." I said completely lost.

"Stay away from Preston." She clarified,

I gave her a bored expression and let out a deep breath.

"Uh, ok? I'm not really sure what the hell you mean by that, but I honestly don't care. Who are you to tell me what to do?" I asked, glaring back at her.

She looked angry and a vein appeared her forehead and I couldn't help, but laugh a bit.

"What are you laughing at? You're a fat ugly ass nerd who no one pays attention to." She smirked, feeling proud.

"Well, I'm glad that I'm a fat ugly ass nerd who no one pays attention to, than a bitch-ass whore like you who can't seem to keep your legs closed." I shot back and felt proud of myself.

The girl was fuming now and raised her hand to hit me. I cowered slightly, but she never got to hit me because someone caught her hand.

I looked up and gapped at Preston. He was glaring the girl and pushed her back.

"The the hell do you think you're doing, Nadia?" He snapped at her and it now her that cowered away.

I was a bit in awe and glad that Preston saved me as he stood up for me.

"I told you to never come in contact with your Future Luna, didn't I? I left you because I never like you. Like why in the hell would I want something that has been used like you?" He venomously said,

"Hey now! That isn't necessary." I cut in, not liking his attitude despite the fact it was her fault.

Preston's gaze snapped down to me and I fought the urge to cover myself.

He had a heated look in his eyes before I saw that he calmed down in just the slightest.

He looked back at Nadia and let a breath.

"Leave." He growled and she and her friends scrambled away.

Preston looked down at me and regarded me with a strange look.

"Did she hurt you?" He softly asked and I shook my head.

"Good." He sighed and offered me his hand.

I warily stared at it before accepting it. We walked in silence to the cafeteria and got our lunch.

After we were seated in a private area of the cafeteria, Preston finally spoke.

"I'm sorry that Nadia was bothering you. I had broken up with her recently and like the spoiled child she is she's throwing a tantrum." He explained,

"It's fine... but I know it's not my place or anything, but why were you with her?" I couldn't help, but ask wanting to know if that was his type of girl or fun.

Preston sighed and ran a hand through his hair before shaking his head.

"I honestly don't know. She popular, I'm popular. Just thought of having some fun for a while." He said,

"Didn't you feel something for her?" I asked, nibbling on a fry.

Preston stared at me for a moment before answering.

"No, I didn't. She's a heartless bitch that simply enjoyed the position I have." He said coldly and I quickly stopped asking questions.

We were silent for a moment before he suddenly got up and walked around. He sat down beside me and I didn't know what to do as he pulled me to his chest.

"But I feel something for you, Layla. I like you a lot and... I want you." He lowly confessed into my ear as his arms locked around me.

My mouth fell open and closed again, not knowing to respond.

"There's something between us that I want to explore which brings me to my next question." He gripped my chin and made me look up at him.

"Will you please go on a date with me?" He asked,

...A date? Me? Him? Now?

"I-I don't know what to say." I stammered and tried to pull away, but he wouldn't let me.

"Say yes. I know you feel something for us." He said confidently and I couldn't help, but blush.

"I...uh, sure then. I'd love to." A big grin broke into his face and pecked me on the cheek.

"Great, we'll go later on." He said,

I smiled and nodded my head as my body slowly began to lean against him and relax.

What was I going to do?

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