Chapter 4

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She was so beautiful and my wolf felt at peace with her in my arms.

Sparks flew around me as I discreetly inhaled her scent and lightly groaned.

"Smell so good." I mumbled lowly so she wouldn't hear me.

After a moment though, we had to pull away.

"See you at school tomorrow." I said, touching her cheek making her blush which made me laugh.

Walking out, I walked across the street to my house. I was more than happy that happened to be front door neighbors. That way I could keep a good eye on her.

Walking up to my room, I saw that the light in my dad's office was on so I walked over and knocked.

"Come in." I walked in and saw him sitting at his desk going through some paper work.

"So you found your mate." He said, glancing at me and back to his work.

"Yes I have." I said blankly,

I was still upset because of what he said.

He nodded his head and continued his work. I was about to leave when he stopped me. I turned around and starred at him.

"She's human and you know you're gonna have to be careful around her, right." He said, taking off his glasses and looked me.

"I know." I simply said,

I'm gonna have to come up with a plan on how to tell her about me being a werewolf and how she's gonna become the Luna of the second strongest pack.

Without another word, I left his office and went to my room. I stripped out of my clothes, but stayed in my boxers and went to bed with the faint smell of my mate on me.

Next Morning.

"Preston dude, wake up." I opened my eyes to see my best friend, Tristan starring at me with big grey eyes.

I sat up and looked at the time, 6:30 a.m.

"Why the hell are you waking me up?" I groaned, rubbing the sleep off of my eyes.

"Nicole told me to come wake you up." He said, rolling his eyes and sat on my bed.

He had brown tousled hair, grey eyes, and a well fit body. I chose him to become my beta since we've been best friends since diapers.

I got up and went to the bathroom that was connect to my room. I took a shower and brushed my teeth, then walked out with a towel on my waist and walked into my closet. I threw on a grey t-shirt, ripped blue jeans, converses, and a biker jacket over the shirt.

Tristan and I walked downstairs and into the kitchen.

"So I heard that you found your mate." Tristan said, sitting down at the island and took a bacon from the plate my mom set.

"Yeah I did." I said, thinking of Layla.

"So let me guess... Dinah." He said,

Dinah was the captain of the cheer leading squad and the slut of the pack. We've fucked around for some time and she thinks we're a thing, but we are not and never will be.

"Nah bro. Its the new girl." I said,

"You mean the sexy ass curvy girl. Damn dude, she fine. She got curves and that ass and her breasts. Yeah you lucky! Congrats!" He said, praising me.

"Thanks." I said and ate my breakfast.

"Dinah is gonna be mad that she isn't your mate." He commented, laughing his head off.

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