Chapter 17

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"Don't worry bro, you'll get her back." Tristan said for the millionth time today.

We were all at lunch and I haven't seen Liyla.

"Come down, she's probably just in the library." Ryder said,

"I'm going to go check." I said, getting up and left the cafeteria and walked to the library.

I walked around not seeing her. I checked in the back and found her sleeping on a soft arm chair.

I slowly walked up to her, not wanting to wake her up. I moved some hair that came out of her beanie.

She looked terrible. Her hair was tangled, she had bags under her eyes, and looked pale.

I kissed her cheek and rubbed her arm, feeling the shocks.

"I have to take the alpha title tomorrow. The faster, the stronger I'll be for our pack. I can't be weak. Please stay away from that vampire." I silently begged her.

I kissed her forehead and left the library with two minutes before the bell rang.

After School.

I walked out the school and got in my car driving off to the pack house.

When I reached there, I went straight to my office where my parents and Liyla's parents were waiting.

I walked in and sat behind the desk.

A maid came in and cleaned up the mess, but the hole in the wall was still clearly there.

"Sorry I took so long." I apologized,

"Its ok." Maria said,

"So what are we going to do about Liyla?" My mom asked,

"The pack won't be as strong if it doesn't have a Luna." She said,

"Maybe you guys can talk to her." My dad suggested,

"That's going to be hard." Drake said,

"Why?" I asked,

"Last night she went straight to her room and stayed there all night without eating and this morning she chose to walked all the way to school and not see us. The school called me and told me that she reached late." Maria said,

"I saw her today." I sighed,

"She was sleeping the library and she looked terrible. She was pale, her hair was a mess, she looked as if she didn't sleep in days, and it looked as if she wore old clothes to school." I said, getting upset.

"We can't have our Luna looking like that!" My mom exclaimed,

I groaned and rubbed my face. Colton was extremely pissed off at that vampire and sad because of our mate.

"Calm down!" I said at him.

"I want to see my mate!" He growled back and stratched to come out.

"No!" I yelled at him.

He growled at me and some how came out.



I finally came out and looked around the office.

"Colten." Michael said in his alpha tone.

"Father." I growled,

"Colten go back inside where you belong." Nicole said sternly,

"I want my mate." I growled and slammed my hand down the desk leaving a big hole.

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