Chapter 5

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Bell Rings.

I gathered my books and said goodbye to Ryder as I rushed out the classroom.

Today I walked the opposite direction and towards the back door of the school.

I walked out and stared at the woods that was behind the school.

Who would build a school by the woods? The fact that this entire place is surrounded by trees.

Being curious and all, I started walking into it.

I walked on a small trail that it had and looked up. The trees were tall and stood so close to each other the further you walked in.

The air felt moist considered a bit during the afternoon and the floor was muddy.

I started to walk faster and then ran as fast as I could in here.

After running I stopped at a clearing and circled in a spot to get a good view of things around me.

I closed my eyes and sat on a log.

I took my phone to see what time it was and saw that it was 4:12 p.m.

"Its still early." I muttered then began walking into some random direction.

1 Hour Later.

I have been walking for so long now. My knees hurt because I may have tripped over a log because I was too busy paying attention to a passing butterfly. At least I got a picture of the butterfly with many other pictures.

To be honest, I know for a fact that I'm lost, but I could care less right now, even though its getting dark.

"It is so nice and quiet here. I should come here more often." I said,

"Yeah, you should." A dark voice said behind me.

I whipped around to see a tall thin man standing there. He looked kinda creepy. His clothes were all black, he had pale skin and red eyes.

"Uh, hello." I said taking a step back.

He took one forward and smiled. His teeth looked sharp, maybe he sharpened them. You can do that, right?

"What's your name?" He said trying to sound normal, but came out really creepy like a pedophile.

"Uh, my parents told me not to talk to strangers." I said taking a couple of steps back.

"But here you are in the middle of the woods talking to me." He said and walked closer to me.

I took steps and back until my back hit a tree. He smiled because he knew I was trapped and he walked closer.

Out of nowhere a big wolf jumped in and pounced the man.

I held in a gasp as the wolf snarled at the man, but all the man did was lay calmly under the wolf and... grin? Now that's just sick.

The wolf suddenly bit the man hard on his neck and practically ripped open his neck. Now pathetic girls would stand here like morons and scream and what not. By not me, I dashed away from where they were. Thank god the wolf was busy shredding the man into bits.

I ran so fast that it felt like my legs were gonna pop off. I saw an opening and ran into it. I fell to the ground and looked up. It was my backyard. I got up and ran in and threw myself inside. My bag fell to the floor next to me. I sat up and looked up the woods through my open door. I put my hand on my racing heart and got up. I slammed the door close. I sighed in relief.

The Alpha and The NekoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang