Part 5 : You Leave Me Breathless

Start from the beginning

I shouldn't feel this way.

Ellie, she's your best-friend cousin. Once again my subconsciouse chastised.

Well, she's so sweet not to mention those strikingly hot jaws.

I love the feeling of being taken care of and the feeling was new.

Can I enjoy the feeling she's giving me now? Am I too selfish to enjoy this?

"Call your mommy and ask for her permission okay?" Her voice snapped me out of my space as her eyes swept over me tenderly while she was driving.

"Are you taking me to your house?" I was giddy inside my belly and also nervous somehow. I dialed my mom number and tell her I would be at a friend house.

She ended the call with "Be home early Missy!" I cringed and Flynn laughed, her laughter filled the car and I couldn't help but laughed along with her.

"What?" I asked grinning.

"You are such a little girl,"

I batted her hand away as she pinched my cheek.

"Well, I'm not that old, but also stop treating me like a kiddo!"

"Yes of course and I will treat you like a little girl you are." I scowled at her and she smirked back. I guessed the smirking Flynn is back.

I puffed my cheeks and stuck my tongue out at her.


"Movies?" Flynn asked when we both settled on her bed. It looked fairly clean today.


I smiled.

"What movie do you want to see?" Flynn asked while she rummaged through her DVD collection and came up with Twilight.

"ohh, put it in, I've always want to see it" I cried excitedly and she laughed at me then put it in the DVD player and came back up to me.

She probed some of the pillows -which she has many on her bed- to the bed post. She got comfortable and patted the spot near her in gesturing for me to go. She held out her hand and I just got inside obediently. Her full mega watt smile that lightened up her whole face and then she sighted contentedly.

However it melted my heart that it was directed at me. With her, everything was just so natural and so easy. Like now we were watching movies without any words passed between us, just like we enjoyed the comfortable silence we both gave each other. With her I seemed to be myself. I didn't know I could be comfortable with someone else company until now, I was always an awkward friend, I didn't know how to say something to keep the other person interested, but she seemed to brings out the best in me.

I was too comfortable.

Suddenly, fears gripped me. What if she's going away?

Oh, for strawberry cheese cake sake stop thinking too much Ellie, What more can you asked for when you are so happy in her hold right now?

"What are you thinking about?" Flynn whispered over my head and I grinned. I guess this is the bad habit, I always grinned like a mad woman when I feel shy, gosh.!

How could I tell when all I think about is how my heart melting when I'm in your arms right now? I couldn't and I wouldn't.

I shook my head and hided in the hollow of her neck, that seemed to fit perfectly.

You're too comfortable with this stranger, my subconscious whispered and I slammed her down to the arctic.

"Is that a secret boyfriend you're thinking about?" She teased and I smiled then mumbled nope into her neck.

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