"So- how much did he pay you?"

Emma beamed. "Fifty bucks. I hate getting my nails done way more than you do, but I promised Robin I'd keep you away."

"You can't expect me to go with you while he's in there doing who knows what to our daughter's nursery!" Regina complained, like a small child. Taking her by the hand, the blonde practically had to drag her towards her yellow bug.

"I know it's hard, but you'll find out when Christmas hits- it's only a week!" Emma attempted, "and you're having that awesome party!"

Regina moaned out of pure irritation as she reluctantly got inside the car. "So we're legitimately going to get our nails done? You couldn't think of anything less painful to do?"

"Oh please," Emma rolled her eyes, "you're the one who has to remain absolutely perfect twenty four seven- or has that changed since you got pregnant."

The other woman couldn't help but glare in her direction. She couldn't help but feel a tad insulted due to that comment; Regina was a queen, one thing her mother had taught her was that image was everything. Of course, now that she had Robin and Roland in her life, she found a new meaning to that phrase.

"Who are we kidding," Regina said, melting away her harsh glance with a slight chuckle, "most mornings I'm so busy I don't even put makeup on. Plus, I have to pee all the time now, so there really isn't a point in going outside and being social. I had a great plan going until you decided to show up and force me in your ridiculously small Volkswagen."

Emma pointed a finger at her as she kept her eyes on the road. "Robin is the one who forced me to do this, mind you. The apartment is so crowded in the mornings, I can't even get a shower- so I usually go over to Killian's for about an hour until someone realizes I'm gone. Since we both don't have work until nine, it's a pretty fun filled hour- believe me."

The queen instantly made a face. "Emma!"

"What?" The blonde gave her a dubious look, "are we not allowed to talk about sex now? We're grown women!"

"No, no we can't- now I have to rid my mind of horrible images."

She raised an eyebrow. "I think we both know those images are actually pretty sexy-"

"Miss Swan!" Regina covered her ears with her hands and tried to keep from laughing. "I'm engaged!"

Just then, they arrived at Storybrooke's one and only nail salon, ran by three fairies. "I've never been happier to get away from you," Regina muttered, exiting the car to enter the snowy world outside.

"Who knew my granddaughter was so raunchy!"

Emma burst into laughter as she pulled on a hat over her blonde hair. "Says my pregnant grandmother!"

She gave her a nudge to the side. "Careful, I could plow you over one of these days."

The blonde shoved her back. "In your dreams, Madame Mayor. Now, let's try acting like adults so Nova doesn't think we're insane- then your fiancé can continue doing secret things in your house."

The door opened with a faint sound of a bell, encasing them in warm air. "Do you know anything about it?" Regina asked, almost automatically.

Emma laughed back in response, almost evilly. "Not a clue. Now you behave, so I can give Robin a good report... And so I can get my money. Now it can be a very Merry Christmas for all of us."


Robin had been inside the nursery for hours. He was there when Roland went down for his nap, and the door was still securely shut closed when he woke up. Walking down the hallway with his blanket trailing behind, he crept up towards the door as if the mystery behind it would be too much for him to handle.

Though he couldn't see anything, Roland could tell more than just his father were inside. He picked up Ruby's voice first, then Snow's, and finally, Charming. Hearing their voices made the boy so excited, he prepared to barge his way through to see what they were up to. Before he could, though, a pair of hands grabbed his middle and picked him up.

"Henry!" Roland whined, wiggling in his grasp as he carried him down the stairs. "Put me down!"

He did, once they were at the base of the stairwell. "Roland, you can't go in there. Dad's orders. Honestly, you're worse than Mom."

The boy gave him a pout, hating how it felt to be left out of things. "How come you know? Why won't Papa tell me?"

His older brother let out a mischievous smile as he ruffled his hair. "Because I'm not a tattle tale, that's why. Did you finish wrapping all your presents?"

Though he was still sad, Roland nodded. "Henry, is there anything I can give to Santa? He needs a present for delivering everyone else's."

The twelve year old thought on that question for a moment, trying to recall how things went in the Christmas movies he had seen in the past. "Hey, I know! You can bake him cookies and give him a glass of milk- that's his favorite thing to eat."

Roland beamed. "Can we make him cookies and milk then?!" His smile quickly diminished. "But... Mommy's still gone..."

Henry instantly felt remorse for the boy and his adorable ignorance to the magic of Christmas. Putting a hand on his shoulder, he said, "why don't we go to Will's house? I'm pretty sure he has everything we need to make cookies. And I'll help you."

"Okay!" Roland responded, feeling quite rebellious. He hardly ever went anywhere without his mother or his father right by his side. His brother was old enough to take him around town, if they didn't go too far.

Henry smiled. "I'll go tell Dad really fast- you get your coat and your boots."

With that, the boys were off, and none of them could've been any happier.

"Oh- and Roland- Merry Christmas," Henry told him, cracking a smile before continuing up the stairs. Maybe it was a week away. But he was going to make the most of it with his brother. Even though he had some not so great

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