Just like me: phan pt47

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*Phils pov*

I hobbled along the freeway. My leg wasn't numb, but it wasn't too painful either, maybe it was the cold, I didn't know, I didn't really care either, as long as I wasn't in excruciating pain, I wasn't complaining.Cars drove past me, not taking any notice of the weirdo walking down the freeway at...what time was it? I didn't care, I didn't really care about anything anymore.

The cold was still biting at my wrist, I clasped my right hand over it and hoped it would stop. The pain was just reminding me of Dan, and I wasn't allowed to think of him, not now, it was too much. I was so tired that my brain began to wander, where even am I going? I'm so tired...Dan. My eyelids began to droop, and my vision blurred, I couldn't see really at all, considering it was night as well. 

I tried to focus on the one thing that could keep me up, Dan, because the pain over rid my urge to sleep. Wow, I wanted to walk across that freeway so badly, but I couldn't, because I knew Dan wouldn't want me to. My focus was brought back to my wrist, you broke your promise I thought, What would Dan think? 

Tears began to well in my eyes when I realized again that I probably won't ever find him again. The police won't do much to find him and as if anyone else would really care as much as me. I just wanted him to be okay, it didn't really matter if he was with me, although it crushed me to be away from him, I just needed him to be safe.

It felt like I had been walking forever, but I hadn't really moved very far, my slow walking method wasn't really the best. As I continued to walk, it began to rain, the dark clouds swirled up above me and the raindrops fell down so thick it was almost impossible to see through them. I was getting drenched and in an attempted to stand under a road sign for cover, I tripped, the intense pain returned to my knee and I let out a blood curdling scream.

I squinted through the rain to see if there was anyone who could help me. I saw a dark figured a few meters ahead of me. What sort of creep would be walking along the freeway at this time? He was staring at me, I couldn't really see through the rain, but his body was turned my way, he was tall, I couldn't see much else.

The figure began walking towards me, Oh god, what if he's a murderer oh god  no please. As he came closer I started to see what he was wearing,  a long sleeve shirt and some sweats...I rubbed my eyes as if I were dreaming. 

'Phil!' He yelled, as he ran toward me.

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