Just like me: phan pt24

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*Dans pov*

We had been driving for quite a while, Phil was asleep on my shoulder by this time, his tussled black hair splayed across his face. He seemed so innocent, you'd never think he'd been through so much. Sometimes Phil reminded me of a puppy, other times a lion, and sometimes well...I don't even know, he was very unpredictable.  

I saw the bright lights of the hospital in the distance and knew we were getting closer, it was a Friday night so traffic was not the best. I was about to change the song playing on the radio when suddenly I saw the blue and red lights up ahead and hit the breaks so fast it woke up Phil.

'um...Dan' Phil said drowsily, rubbing his eyes. 'is everything alright?'

The police, they were probably checking for drunk drivers on the road, since it was getting to that time of the night. Now, me and Phil weren't speeding, and we sure as hell weren't drunk. So, I guess it wouldn't really matter...that was, if my dad wasn't a police officer.

'Yeah' I said stiffly. 'Fine...go back to sleep'

I began driving at a slower pace along the freeway, drivers behind us began tooting as we slowly approached the police cars.

'No' Phil said firmly. 'Tell me what's wrong'

'For fucks sake No!' I practically yelled, Phil jumped back, obviously scared. I wasn't sure what had gotten over me. 'Phil, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-

'It's a habit' He paused. 'It's fine' 

Phil cautiously relaxed himself back into his seat.

'I can't treat you like garbage anymore' I sighed.

'I'm not made of glass' Phil rubbed my arm reassuringly, 'Now tell me why you're holding up the entire laneway'

The police cars were just a few vehicles ahead. I was terrified.

'My dad's a policeman' I paused. 'Phil, I havn't been home in 2 days, I'm wearing someone else's clothes, Im driving somone else's car, I've spent the night at someone else's house' 

'There's no garantee he'll be in those cars, Dan' He said, trying to calm me down.

'Yes, there is' I sighed. 'He does the alcohol testing on Fridays'

'We havn't done anything wrong...' He trailed off.

'We're together' I croaked, 'And that's wrong enough for him'

I drove up to the police car and wound down my window, 

'Dan?' The officer said on the side. 'Where have you been?'

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