Just like me: phan pt25

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*phils pov*

Dan stuttered, starting his sentences over and over again, not really managing to get anything out. Finally his dad cut him off.

'Why did you skip school?' He asked, obviously trying to keep his temper in check in front of the other policemen.

Dan looked very confused. 

'I needed to help a friend' He sighed.

'Do what?' He asked sarcastically.

He paused for a moment, thinking his words through.

'Live' he finally said.

Dan's dad gritted his teeth, you could tell they'd had issues in the past, it was obvious in their body language and the way they spoke to each other. It scared me, not knowing what had happened and how bad it was.

'Don't bother coming home tonight' Dan's dad grunted, before gesturing for us to move through. I was very surprised he didn't get Dan's alcohol levels tested, but then again, he probably didn't care.

Dan nodded, he was upset, but held it in, not wanting to show any emotion.

'Okay dad' He murmured while placing his foot on the pedal. 'by the way...I'm gay ' He whispered before he hit the accelerator and sped off.

I couldn'ty help but think Dan was acting absolutely insane, which he was, but it made me respect him even more. How many years had he held that in? I couldn't imagine. I never really had anyone to hide it from, or anyone to tell, maybe that was a good thing.

I turned to Dan who was now feverishly driving, but not paying much attention to the road. He looked shaken up, but also relieved in a way. 

'I've held that in for so long Phil' I smile crept onto his face. 'So fucking long...I don't even care if he hates me, at least I got that out'

I smiled too.

'I've never had to tell anyone' I shrugged.

'Really?' He asked,

'I've never had anyone to tell' I sighed.

'you told me' He smiled.

'besides you' I smirked.

Dan raised an eyebrow, and got out his phone, he dialed a number with one hand and handed it over to me.

'What am I supposed to do with this?' I asked, extremely confused. 

'Tell them you're gay' He shrugged, keeping his eyes on the road.


'Hello, this is Domino's, how may I help you?' The person on the other line said.

'I um...' I stammered.

Dan nodded and smiled encouragingly.

'IM GAY!' I yelled and hung up the phone. 

My heart raced and I felt like I was going to throw up, but I felt better for some reason too. 

Dan started laughing uncontrollably, and I joined in.

'That was amazing!' He laughed.

'Thanks' I giggled.

We sat there laughing for a while, until we realized what we were doing, and laughed even harder.

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