Just like me: phan pt12

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Dan pointed to the massive buffy poster on the ceiling above my bed. 

'Oh...It's a really good cover up' I smiled. 

'Oh' Dan said a smile creeping over his lip also. He hugged me tighter. 

'Dan, I wouldn't have ever known you were gay' Phil sighed. 'You've had girl friends, before I've seen you with them.....' 

'They're a good cover up' Dan smiled. 'Phil...' He paused 


'Im sorry again' he sighed 

'Dan it's okay we- 

'Its not, Phil, I...I didn't tell you everything' I hesitated.  

'What?' Phil asked, slightly worried. 

'I....I really like you Phil, ' Dan started crying again. 'When I first saw you, I knew I liked you Phil, but I couldn't think like that!...I didn't know I was gay before, if I ever saw a guy as more than a friend, I'd just brush it off, it wasnt real until you came into my life...you were the first guy I ever liked' 


'If I didn't I wouldn't do this' dans lips crashed with mine, they were soft though and gentle, I kissed him back harder, he gripped me around the neck and pulled me in close.  

'Ow' I whimpered, as Dan knocked the side of my knee. 

'Sorry!' He yelped, jumping back. 'are you okay?!' 

'My knee still really hurts' I grimaced. 'But that kiss was nice'  

Dan blushed, 'I guess we could go to the hospital....oh fuck' dans face went pale. 

'What?' I asked. 

'We have school'  

*phils pov* 

Those words were a nightmare, I shivered. 

'I can't Dan...what's going to happen to us?' I whispered.  

Dan was staring into space, his face was blank. He then turned to me. 'I can't let them hurt you again Phil' he murmured softly, lightly brushing a bruise on my cheek. 

All of a sudden a woile bunch of questions needed to be answered, how were we going to get to school together without being beatin? What were we going to do once we got there?...wouldn't dans parents be worried about him? 

'Dan, wontt your parents be worried about you?' I asked, only just realising that Dan had been here all night, and had made no effort to tell anyone where he was. 

'Theyre busy...I do this all the time' he face was sad. 'They don't care...but that doesn't matter right now...Phil what are we going to do?!' 

His voice was frantic, you could tell he was scared of what would happen. 

'Just go with your friends Dan' I sighed. 'Ill walk around the back, it'll be like this neverhappened' 

I didn't want to say it, but I did, I didn't want to ruin Dan, I didn't want him to be like me. 

'No, they're not my fucking friends Phil!' He shouted. 'They're fucking twats, I can't do it anymore, I can't, I'm not like them'  

'I know' I stroked dans hair gently. 'But I don't want you to get hurt' 

'But I don't want to hurt you' he whispered, his lip trembled. 

'You don't have to' I reassured. 

'Theyll make me' he was crumbling. 

'Sshh' I kissed him gently. He kissed back. 

'What about your knee? Can you even walk Phil?' He asked. 

I stood up off the mattress, and attempted to walk over to the closet without tripping. I took about 4 steps before falling straight to the ground, thank god my room had carpet. 

'Phil!' Dan raced over to me. 'Thats it, you're not fucking going to school' Dan looped his arms around my waist and walked me over to my bed. 

'What about you?' I asked him.  

'My parents will kill me if I don't go, if you just wait here, I'll come back after school and take you to the hospital okay?' The plan sounded good, but it still left the question of what was going to happen to us after today. 

'Dan' I squeezed his hand. 'What happens after today though?'

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