Just like me: phan pt89

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*Dans pov*

I ran to the door expecting pizza, of course I was expecting pizza, it was the only logical reason for the doorbell to be ringing. I wanted it to be easy for once, simple, just get the pizza and go back in to eat it with Phil. But it wasn't easy, nothing ever was. 

After getting some money out of my bag, which was dumped near the couch, I turned the handle of the door and pushed it open. It was the pizza, but my mouth dropped and my entire body froze when I saw some familiar shaggy brown hair. I didn't think someone who was supposed to be playing dead would continue his day job.

He looked different, shaken almost. And to be honest I didn't know if I trusted him anymore. The emotional damage he caused me was enough to keep me away, not to mention the fact Phil was abducted and taken to his house. I needed my pizza, and he stood there with it in his hands, something I wanted under his control, it made me feel sick, a feeling I had grown used to. Although I didn't trust him, that didn't stop the pool of emotion forming in my stomach, I hadn't seen Matt since the fake suicide, and to see his face and know he was alive and the note left in my room wasn't a ploy from James, was good. 

'Hi' I squeaked, it barely escaped my mouth.

He bit his lip and turned away.

'Did you write it?' I asked.

He didn't answer.

'Did you write it Matt?' I asked more firmly this time.

'I'm not a monster' He said, bluntly. 'I'm not'

'I didn't say you were'

'I wrote the note Dan, I wrote both'

I went silent, my heart thumped in my chest, I had never felt so betrayed.

'Phil has to leave town!' I yelled. 'You almost killed him, do you understand? I'm in trouble with the police, you're a psychopath!'

Tears started streaming from my eyes.

'You don't understand!' He yelled back.

'Get out of here! Go!' I screamed.

 During this moment I felt a gentle hand touch my back.

'Dan?' It was Phil, I assumed he'd heard all of the screaming and decided to come see what was going on. 'Dan, relax'

Phil rubbed my back in circles and devoted his attention to the person standing before me. Their eyes locked. I noticed in that moment that Matt's eyes had large bags underneath them, he looked like he hadn't slept in a week.

'Was it you?' Phil asked, his eyes wide. 'Was it your idea?'

He dropped the pizza and ran, I almost chased after him, I almost cared enough. I stood there for a moment, watching as he turned the corner and disappeared from my life again. Maybe I shouldn't have let him go, maybe I shouldv'e kept him just so I could have someone here with me. But I didn't, and I knew at that time it was the right thing, he had almost killed Phil, and if I couldn't forgive myself for the stuff I've done to him, then I coulnd't forgive anyone else.

I scooped up the pizza on the floor, it hadn't fallen out of the box so it was still edible, and turned around to see Phil, he was just stood there, staring out down the driveway. I didn't know why. Maybe he was scared that his own abductor was free, maybe he was scared his next victim was me.

I took his hand which shocked him back into reality, he blinked his eyes a few times before rubbing them.

'Let's go back inside' I nodded.

'Do you think it was him?' He asked.

I shrugged. To be honest all of the evidence did point to him, his house, driving me to the lake, the fake suicide, the disappearance of his scars, everything. I guess maybe it was a little too obvious, I mean James was missing, and I guess this could just be another one of his games, framing Matt for a kidnapping with intended murder would get him out of a lot of trouble, but why wouldn't Matt just deny it? I didn't know and I didn't care, okay maybe I did, but this was a police issue now, plus Phil would be leaving soon and I didn't want him to be worrying about that shit.

'It doesn't really matter' I sighed. 'It's not our problem anymore'

'No Dan, it's not my problem' He muttered.'I don't know what's going to happen when I go, but if anything weird happens with Matt or James, I want you to call me straight away'

'But Phil it's not-

'Dan they tried to kill me!' He yelled. 'I'm not their only victim, I swear by god. Now promise me if anything strange happens with Matt or James you'll call me'

'Okay' I murmured. 'I promise'

Phil was still shaken up after the conversation, his cheeks were flushed and he looked pretty angry...stressed maybe. I watched him push his hair back off of his face and hook his hands around the back of his head.

'I hate feeling that helpless' He muttered.

'You're not helpless, Phil' I shook my head.

'Then why didn't I just beat him when I had the chance to' He whispered.

'Why don't you just beat me?'

'It's not the same, and I wouldn't even think of doing that to you'


'You know why' 

'I know' I sighed. 'Just hit me anyway'

'Dan, please, no'

'C'mon' I smiled.

I placed the pizza down and spread my arms out smiling.

'Just punch me'

'What the hell? Dan no' He grunted. 'What's the point?'

'You need to get your frustration out'

He thought for a while, biting his lip.

'Can't we just makeout?' He asked.

'I'll makeout with you if you punch me'

'Fine!' He gave in. 

He bent his arm back slightly before launching it right at my chest, it hit with a slight bump sound, I knew he could hit harder, but I was happy he even did that much damage; he needed it.

'Cool, can we makeout now' He grumbled.

I laughed.

'Okay, okay, get the pizza, it's cold out here'

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